Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate Analysis

I hate watching debates. I just hate them. It's too aggravating for me because of the sniping that goes back and forth and the half-truth spins people put on facts and the techniques used to make the other person just plain look bad.

That being said, I watched most of the debate last night between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Here's my take on it.

Sarah Palin won this debate hands down. For the last two weeks she has been vilified by the mainstream media, left-wing blogs and those who got convinced she was some air-head, know-nothing from Hole-In-The-Wall, Alaska. Well, OK. Take that criticism and look at what happened last night when she went up against the more experienced, more seasoned, expert Senate debater Joe Biden. Nothing happened. There was no knockout punch. It wasn't Bambi vs. Godzilla. She wasn't embarrassed or shown up. She didn't crash and burn. She more than held her own against the mighty Biden. That makes her the clear winner of this debate. Biden couldn't deliver the final blow and suddenly Rocky gets off the canvas and you can hear the inspirational music start playing in the background.

The choice we have this year is clear to me. We either put all of our trust in someone who will take this country down the path to socialism, higher-taxes, higher-interest rates a la Jimmy Carter, weaker defense and a lower standard of living. That would be Mr. Obama. Or we can elect someone who will protect babies both unborn and newly born after botched abortions, lower taxes, keep our national defense strong and vital, provide oversight and reform to our economy and generally get the federal government out of our way so that we can prosper.

America, make the choice.

God bless you and may God bless America!

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