Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain or Obama, Does It Really Matter?

OK, so I was thinking this weekend. I know, that sounds scary and maybe even unique, but I was thinking.

Does it really matter, in the long run, who is elected President of the United States? Eternally, it makes no difference whatsoever and as a Christ follower, that should be my perspective on everything.

No matter who gets in and what havoc they create on this earth, eternally speaking, it does not matter because Christ is still in control, He is still our LORD and Savior, He still protects us and helps us through tough times (please refer to Psalm 23 of the Bible version of your choice) and we will still spend ETERNITY with Him in paradise. And compared to the time a person is in power (up to eight years), eternity is a much longer time than that!

So, take heart, and do what you can, VOTE, but don't worry and keep your eyes on Jesus because He is the Beginning and the End (Alpha and Omega for those of you who prefer).

Our focus should be Jesus and we cannot allow circumstances to dictate our actions or our mental state, that's what our relationship with Jesus should be doing. I refer you to "the peace that surpasses all understanding".

We need to remember these things. It is for times like this that we should be reading and studying God's Word. We should be praying. Of course, these are things we should be doing anyway, but it is for times like these that we reap the benefits of those activities.

So, as things happen and events unfold, read more, pray more, get a keener focus on your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Cling to the that tree that He died on. Drop all your baggage at the His feet. Resolve today to allow God to shoulder your burdens no matter what they are, whether financial, relationship, work, housing, marriage, or whatever. Get somewhere private, get on your knees and talk to God and hand over your life with all the garbage, weaknesses, sins, virtues, talents, everything. Make up your mind today to let God walk you "through the valley".

And, if you haven't given your life over to the One who is the Rock, then don't let another day go by without giving it all over to Him including your life and life circumstances. He will not only guide you, He will protect you and make sure that in the end, when all is said and done, that you are whole and OK even if it is the day of His return.

Keep that eternal perspective. Don't let circumstances dictate your actions or your mental state (yes, I know I said that already, but I think it's important to repeat). Let your relationship with Him, dictate your response to life's circumstances.

We are different and we should be living differently. We should standout with how we react to life. We should stand out with how peaceful we are. Not that we should not care, but that it should not bother us as those who do not have the Hope we do. The hope and comfort we have because we have a relationship with the One who is in control of the universe.

And it is when we live differently, that those who do not have a relationship with God will be prompted to ask questions and be drawn to Him, the One who saves. After all, that's our purpose on this planet. Let's decide today to fulfill that purpose to God's glory because we are the children of God and we should want what our Father, almighty God, wants and that is that "all would be saved".

God bless you and may God bless America!

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