Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Alarm is Ringing!

Hear that? That annoying sound? That's your alarm ringing. Question is will you wake up?

Your government is thinking of buying all the banks. Remember when the Venezuelan dictator Chavez started buying industries and nationalizing them? That's what DICTATORS do. They bring everything under GOVERNMENT control.

Sound familiar? The US government is thinking of BUYING THE BANKING INDUSTRY. Hello? Hear that alarm?

We are a democratic republic, aren't we? Not a dictatorship. Are we? Has anyone out there voted on this? Have any of YOUR representatives or senators asked you about this? No, I didn't think so.

Why are we allowing this? Is anyone paying attention?

It's time to wake up America! We need action. We need to find someone we TRUST. It's not Obama. It's apparently not McCain either. Neither party is doing the right thing. There has to be someone out there.

I do know someone, not a Washington insider, not a politician even, that you can put ALL your trust in. That would be Jesus Christ. He is trustworthy for sure. He's looking out for you. He died for you. When you have a relationship with Him, you can trust Him to take care of you. That doesn't mean that things won't happen. Life still happens even with a relationship with Jesus, but what happens is that He walks through your life with you and helping you. You may get bruised or even battered, but you'll be able to get through it all and be OK at the other side of it.

We need to wake up America and hold our elected officials accountable for what they are doing. We need Jesus more. Give your life to Christ. All things will work for the good for you after that.

God bless you. May God bless America.

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