Friday, January 30, 2009

Stop the Madness

I have been reading and reading and reading all these stories on the web about thie "stimulus" package. It's up to $819B and climbing. Some have said it's headed up into the several trillion dollars. Some say it's not a stiumlus package. Some say it is.

It seems to promote bigger government. Read that more government intervention and control in our lives. Spending more and more money this country doesn't have.

Politicians like Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, attempted in vain to make the case that somehow providing over $100M for things like condoms would help turn the economy around. Saying, well, more condoms means less babies and somehow that would help the small businessman in Boise, Idaho meet his bills.

At this point, it's gotten so crazy that I think the best thing to do is nothing. Everyone, should stop, take a breath and let a month or two go by so people can relax. The Chosen One keeps making people panicky by saying we have no time to lose and all he's trying to do is shove this whole thing down our throats. He's keeping everyone in a frenzy so we'll buy into this ill-conceived plan.

I say, STOP. Let things settle down. Let the economy find its way.

On another note, can anyone tell me what happened to that first $700B. Does anyone know who has that money and what they are doing with it? While no one in Washington is talking about that they want more and more money on top of that. That's over $1 TRILLION, so far and there are those who say that's not the end. Where will it all end? This is a huge train wreck about to happen to this country and no one seems to want to stop it.

The power hungry Democrats have hit the ground running and they are trying to run this country into the ground with all this frivolous spending in the name of helping the economy which it won't.

Wouldn't it be better if they just took a bunch of this money, say $5000 for every legitimate tax payer of this great land and send it to us? Now, that would stimulate the economy and that would be far less than the $819 Billion they are proposing thus far.

Washington, STOP. You are sending American in the wrong direction. That's not the change we had hoped for.

God bless you and may God have mercy on America.

Friday, January 23, 2009

New York Replaces the Woman from Arkansas

Well, I'm one New Yawka that is glad to see Hillary Clinton, you know the woman from Arkansas, leave the Empire State for good. While in office, she did nothing for New York. Not one job was created because of her. Not one dollar of tax break was enacted by her. She did nothing. Good bye Hillary. Have a nice time ruining the State Department.

Caroline Kennedy wanted to be New York's next Senator, but apparently she had a personal problem with taxes or a nanny or, as some have said, an affair with a married man or using government funds to hire high class hookers. Oh, wait that was Democratic Governor (now, ex-Governor) Eliot (I'm above the law) Spitzer. Camelot-East will not be established in Albany.

Governor Paterson is ready to name Kirsten Gillibrand from upstate New York as the next Senator from our broken state. Normally, I would be opposed to her. She's a hold over from the Clinton regime. Not a good background. However, she's purported to be a fiscal conservative. Also, downstate Dems like Carolyn McCarthy are villifying her for her (Gillibrand's) endorsement by (oh my hold on there) the National Rifle Association. Mrs, McCarthy is a one-trick pony. Her thing is banning guns. She doesn't even want law abiding Americans who, according to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, have the right to own guns, to be able to own a firearm. Now, I'm sympathetic to Mrs. McCarthy's loss. Her husband was killed by that nut, the Long Island Railroad shooter, Colin Ferguson. Of course, people like Ferguson should never have the ability to own a firearm. However, what Mrs. McCarthy wants to do is tantamount to a teacher punishing the entire class when one student is talking.

Banning gun ownership is not the answer. Making it harder to own a gun is not the answer. Punishing those who use guns unlawfully is the answer. Harsh punishments for people who use firearms for crimes or obtain firearms illegally is the answer. Stopping law abiding citizens from owning firearms is unAmerican. It just is.

Now, back to Mrs. Gillibrand. She is very Sarah Palin-esque in that she gave birth (albeit one without special needs) to a child while in office. She believes in the right of a law abiding citizen to own firearms. However, that's not her only virtue. She'a also fiscally conservative. She voted against the bailout, something the Republican candidate for President didn't do. She's for earmark reform. She's almost too good to be true for this Conservative. She's causing discord in the Democratic party espcially amongst the elite snobs from New York City. That's also a plus in my book!

I'm going to reserve judgment on Mrs. Gillibrand, however, on paper she looks good to me. Rest assured I'll speak out if I think it's necessary. I wish her the best. At least she's a New Yorker representing New Yorkers. That's an error that will finally be rectified with her appointment.

God bless you.

May God forgive and have mercy on America.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today marks a very sad anniversary, the 30th anniversary of Roe v Wade and legalized abortion in America. Abortion is the act of killing an unborn baby. Somehow, abortion-rights activists are celebrating an act that could have ended their lives had their mother "exercised her reproductive rights" and killed them in her womb. I guess that's just something they choose to ignore.

The statistics are not there that say that killing the baby you are carrying ever really saves your life. Nowadays, there's no real condition that cannot be treated so a pregnant woman can carry her baby to a point where he or she can be delivered successfully and in a healthy condition. It's just not an issue these days.

No, abortion has mostly been and will continue to be a form of contraception for the vast majority of those who mistakenly and selfishly make that choice.

No baby is a mistake. To suggest such a thing is to boil down a person's life to a set of arbitrary standards to put worth on them. Though someone may think the baby they are carrying is a mistake, I can tell you God doesn't think so. He's the ultimate judge in that matter. Of course to admit that would mean admitting that there is a God and the need to submit our lives to Him. For most, pride precludes them from making that decision.

We kill babies that cannot defend themselves or speak for themselves, but we'll bend over backwards to stop a convicted criminal from getting a needle in his or her arm or we'll move heaven and earth to "save the whales". Can anyone see the incongruity of that?

Today as this horrendous anniversary is remembered, think of this, if you have children, look at them, smell their hair, kiss their cheeks and think about what your life would be without them. Think of what your life would be without your siblings. And don't tell me that you would never do such a thing, but you would never stop someone else from making that decision. Oh really? What if you saw someone kicking a puppy, would you intervene? Would you speak out against animal abuse? How much more worth does a baby have?

Think about it.

God bless you.

May God forgive America.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday in the euphoric atmosphere of the inauguration the one word that kept being repeated was hope. The throngs of Obamatrons were bubbling over with the hope that this man will somehow transform their lives. Over 50 million Americans have put their hope in a man.

The real hope of America and, indeed, the world is not Barrack Hussein Obama or any other man, but Jesus Christ. It is this Jesus that came to earth, while man was still sinful and an enemy of God and lived a perfect life, healed those who were physically sick, even raised the dead. He taught lessons on loving God and loving others. Ultimately, He gave His life as the punishment for everyone's sins. He didn't die for His sins, because He is perfect. He died for my sins and your sins. Those sins separate us from God and will keep us from living eternally with Him when we pass from this life. Then, after He was murdered, He rose, alive on the third day to prove once and for all who He is, God. That one moment in history, Jesus showed that He had the authority to say what He said and do what He did.

With His death and resurrection everyone now has a way to establish a relationship with God. This is a relationship that God wants with all of us (1 Timothy 2:4), but we cannot have that relationship if we reject His son (Mark 8:38, John 14:6). So, the only hope that exists today is not in any man or woman or thing or system of government, it is in Jesus Christ, the Savior, Messiah, the Hope of the world.

Today, I hope that you will see the truth, that Jesus and only Jesus is the hope that all of us can count on.

May God bless you.

May God bless America.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Praying for America

Today America goes through the peaceful transfer of power from our current President to the new leader of the country. However, for many, there's not a lot of peace because of the new leader coming in.

Many have said that they are hoping the new President will be successful. I am not hoping that, because for him to be successful this country will change in a way that will ruin America for many, many years to come.

God tells us to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-3) in order for us to live in peace. Pray we should, but we should pray that whatever gets done in the next four years will be according to God's law and not the law of men. We should pray for the President's salvation. That his eyes would be open to his need for Jesus Christ and that he would come to give his life to Christ.

Pray also for yourself, that you would be a reflection of the light of Jesus Christ to those around you.

Prayer is the lifeblood of a Christian's life. We need prayer. It gives us that connection to the Father. It keeps us in His presence and brings an intimacy that cannot be achieved any other way.

So, take the time to add the President to your prayer time. Pray for the country. Pray for yourself.

America needs prayer now more than ever, now that we have a President and Congress that seem so opposed to everything we, as Christians, believe in.

God bless you.

May, in His mercy, God bless America.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Genuine Faith

In a Gallup poll, more than 80% of Americans identified themselves as Christian. When you see how society is going with abortion, gay marriage, legalizing drugs and so forth, you have to wonder how a nation with a supposed 80% Christian population can embrace these ideas and ideals.

Well, the answer is they can't. So, what's the reason behind that?

I can identify myself as just about anything, a chef, a pro baseball player or even the governor of New York. That doesn't mean, that I am what I say I am. How can you ascertain if I'm telling the truth? Well, the easiest way is to observe me and see if my life reflects my claim.

Christianity can be boiled down to two tenets; love God and love people (Matthew 22:36-40). Now, if someone is not living their life this way, you pretty much can be assured that they are not a Christian. John 13:35 gives another proof of being a Christian. Although, loving people is not the acid test, because I'm sure there are non-Christians that love people, but that is one of the tests of knowing a person could be a Christian. Loving each other is an essential, but without also loving God, one cannot be a Christian.

And how does loving God manifest itself in the life of a Christian? Well, we do the things God has set out for us in the Bible. Now, this is why most people cannot identify who is a true Christian because most people are not familiar with what God teaches in the Bible. To love God we have to be obedient. Let's face it. When a child truly expresses their love for their parents, they are "perfect". They clean their room. They do their homework. They get in by their curfew. They show their love by "listening" to what the parents say and then doing it. It's the exact same way with Christians. If we truly love God, we'll do what He says to do. We'll love people. We'll do good works like helping the poor. We'll take care of our brothers and sisters in Christ when they need help. We will pray. We'll look to God when making decisions. We'll be the best employee we possibly can be. We'll go above and beyond the call. We will just be perfect.

And when a Christian lives out their life according to God's plan, they will stand out from the crowd. They will have a light shined on them. People will start to wonder what is different about them. Then questions get asked and then the Gospel can be shared.

A genuine faith in God will show itself in a crowd. It will be life a big neon finger pointing to the person. Why? Because a Christian is DIFFERENT from the crowd.

So, although 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christian, you can see that the number of genuine Christians is probably much lower than that.

Is your faith genuine today? Are you different from the crowd around you? Take an objective look at yourself and your life. If you fall short, and who doesn't, ask God to make you genuine. Commit to being a genuine Christian by first and foremost, loving God and then letting that love of God manifest itself into loving those around you.

God bless you.

May God bless America.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Reborn to do Good Works

Many people think you can work your way to heaven. Unfortunately, that's simply not the case. This may be shocking to say, but there are going to be a lot of people in hell who did good things on earth. That's pretty harsh to say, but it is 100% accurate.

In the book of Ephesians 2:8-10 we see what God says about this. We see that "works" don't get us to heaven, but the grace of God does. We cannot give enough to charity, volunteer enough time to a worthy cause or give enough of ourselves to anything on this earth to earn a spot at the table of the LORD. That's because all the work of salvation (or having a relationship with God and spending eternity in Heaven with Him) was already accomplished by Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

However, that doesn't mean once you give your life over to Christ that we just sit back and wait for His second coming. On the contrary, Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that there are tasks waiting to be done by all who are saved. These are tasks or works that God has preplanned for everyone to do once they accept the gift of grace He offers us. If we are to be little Christs (Christians), then we must take on the same attitude that Jesus had. And Jesus said in Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." He was the ultimate servant giving His life so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven. We are to do the same for those around us.

Now you might think you're unqualified to serve anyone, but all this means is that we help those around us. Is there an elderly neighbor who needs groceries? Go shopping for them. Is there a physically challenged person you know who needs a ride somewhere? Offer a ride. Does the local food pantry need someone to stock the shelves? Go help out and pack those shelves! And what about the church you attend? Just like your home, the physical building and grounds have needs. Is there a repair you can do? Can you shovel snow? Can you pull some weeds? How about painting? Is there some cleanup that needs to be done? How about helping on a retreat or mission trip? All of things only require a willingness to help.

It's called serving, but what it really does is show that you love God and love people. You love God by doing just what He tells us we should do and you love people by helping them out. In the end, you are showing those who have no relationship with God the same love that God showed you and thus you are showing them God and that's the best way to spread the Good News to those who need to hear it!

God bless you and may God bless America.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year, The Same God

Someone who I know does not have a relationship with God once remarked to me while discussing some hot button topic that "times have changed and I cannot believe that what was written so long ago can actually apply to today". That was a comment directed at Biblical teaching and how the Bible and its contents really weren't relevant.

Thank God, that's not true. Could you imagine if the teachings of God changed on His whim or just according to how man deemed necessary or relevant? What a horrible picture that would be. How could anyone know how to live? What was true one day would be false the next. Who determines that? Even if it were true, how would believers be told of these changes? If this indeed is true, how do we know what's changed and what has remained the same?

The answer is simple and it is found in Hebrews 13:8. Isn't it comforting to know that God never changes? When we wake in the morning, we don't have to wonder what is right and what is wrong. It has all been laid out for us in the Bible. Sixty-six books written over many, many years by many writers that never met. Yet, it is so cohesive. It's consistency is amazing. It shows that the Bible is truly "God breathed".

So, in the uncertainty of today with the economy, world violence, plunging moral values, know this for sure, that God never changes. He still loves you. His son's atoning death still stands as the payment for your sins. There's still only one way to a relationship with Him and that is through Jesus Christ. And, it still is simple to have forgiveness and everlasting life and that is by giving your life over to Christ. It's the same as it was yesterday, today and forever.

To God be the glory!

God bless you and may God bless America!