Friday, March 27, 2009

Where's America Headed? Look @ California

Communications Consultant Jon Kraushar wrote a very interesting editorial on today.

Basically, the point of the article is if anyone is interested to know what Barack Obama is doing to America, California is where they should look.

California, like America was once a vibrant, affluent, great place to live. People flocked there. It was the place to be and be seen! Sun and sea. Skiing in the mountains. Agriculture. Viniculture. In one state, you could swim in the morning and ski in the afternoon. They, along with Florida here in the east, supply much of America with fresh vegetables. And their wine is second to none. California was the land of opportunity. You could go there and make a go of it. Sound eerily familar?

Now, not so much. They have become inundated with illegal immigrants. They have embraced radical evnvironmentalism. They have grown their government, being ruled by the Democratic party, and an increasingly left-leaning Governor, to a size that has become unsustainable. According to Kraushar they lead America in spending on government employees. They are the second highest taxed state in the union.

Folks, that's where we're headed. Barack Obama is bankrupting this country with the same type of ideological, radical leftwing approach to society that has left California teetering on the brink. Borrowing got us in this mess and more borrowing is not going to get us out. Our government doesn't need to spend more, they need to pull spending back to sustainable levels. They are literally printing more and more "money" making what you have less valuable. Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner are driving us into the abyss.

Your kids and grandkids are going to have a radically different country to live in if these men have their way. There will be more poverty. They will have less freedom. The government will have much more control over them. It is not a pretty picture.

California, once the playground of the rich, is now wallowing in bloated government,high taxes, rampant illegal immigration, soaring health care costs and they are a harbinger of where the rest of the country under Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Tim Geitner is headed.

We need to organize. We need to speak out. We need to voice our opposition to the new America. We need to stop this now. Call, write, email your representatives and let them know you'll vote them out if they continue down this road.

Friends, we the people are America. The government works for us and not the other way around. They have to listen.

Please, don't let today end without getting involved!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Out of the Mouth - The Overflow of the Heart

Matthew 12:34 states: For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

You know where a person's heart is by the words he speaks, which brings me to our illustrious President's public relations, campaign-like stop to the Jay Leno Show last night. Jay, feeding O softball after softball topic, broached the subject of the Whitehouse bowling alley, which many thought would be torn out and replaced with a basketball court because of the current occupant's love for that game. In speaking, sans teleprompter, O tried a self-depricating move telling Jay he's been practicing and actually bowled a 129! And, then, in the ensuing seconds during the laughter, our current defender of the weak, mocked an entire population by saying that his bowling prowess was like "the Special Olympics". Oh, how quaint. The only thing better would have been if he said he bowled like a girl.

First, can you imagine GWB making a comment like that? The media hounds would have barked him up a tree and called for his resignation. I googled "Obama Special Olympics" and found not one major media outlet carrying this horrendous story.

If you aren't a frequenter of Conservative blogs or a Foxnews person, you probably don't know about this story.

What does this comment say about the man? The same as what his enabling government funding of embryonic stem cell research and rescinding the ban on your tax dollars going to fund abortion around the world and the naming of the governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, the most pro-abortion governor in America, to the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services says about him. In his heart, he gives no worth to a human life whether unborn or special needs.

This is the "man" who is leading the way in this country. If that doesn't scare you, nothing ever will.

It's 60 something days into this present administration. Thank God, 2012 is coming.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Huckabee - Bringing Principle Back to the GOP

In a Washington Times editorial yesterday, Mike Huckabee set out to identify what's wrong with the Republican party. And, what it came down to is like Billy Crystal said in City Slickers, "one thing". That one thing, which Crystal left up to those to whom he was speaking to identify, Huckabee identified for everyone and that is that the Republican party, the GOP, the party of Reagan has abandoned its conservative principles.

He matter of factly and clearly outlined how the party of fiscal and social conservatives have caved and become a party more resembling the party of Jimmy Carter than that of the great Ronald Reagan. They have become a party of conservatives in name only and not in actions.

The basic conservative principles are sound. Limited government. Low taxes. More freedom at the local level to govern. These are the principles set by Thomas Jefferson. This is the crux of the Tenth Amendment. However, today's GOP, previously led by George Bush and John McCain have abandoned these principles, probably because in the end they didn't have the backbone to stay on point in fear of losing elections. Well, they abandoned their principles and did precisely that putting this country on the brink of collapse with a Democatic President and Congress who don't seem to care that they are bankrupting your kids or grandkids.

Now, Mike Huckabee, a man who has successfully run a state as Governor of Arkansas, a man with more managerial experience than our current Oval Office occupant, is set to put the Republicans back on track. If they are smart, they'll listen to this intelligent, articulate, steadfast, honoroable guy and put him in the forefront of the GOP. He has become the voice of the conservative movement in America much like another successful Governor, Ronald Reagan.

Even though we are only 50 days into this incompetent and bumbling administration and the 2012 elections are four years away, you have to believe, right now, Mike Huckabee is the one to watch to bring this country the level-headed, conservative leader we need.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Transparency-You Can See Right Through It

Transparency. It's what "O" promised. He promised that bills introduced by the Congress would be put on the Internet for review by us, the citizens they would affect. In fact, they'd be there for 48 hours for anyone to read and scrutinize. Wow! What a great thing! What we got was the largest free-spending spree in the history of the world that got crammed down our throats so quickly not even your representatives had enough time to actually read the wording of the bill before they voted on it. Did it ever make it to the Internet? Yes, if you found a conservative web site that somehow obtained a copy of it, but it was over 1000 pages long and it came out less than 24 hours before the vote. Now, I'm a good reader, but not even an Evelyn Woods Valedicotrian could read that fast.

And then the "imperfact" budget came through. Another $400 billion or so of your hard-earned dollars with over 8000 earmarks. You remember what "O" said about earmarks, those pet projects that the Federal government has for years funded? He said he would eliminate them. He would go "line by line" and root them out. What we got was our President, under the cover of a closed door, signing a pork-laden bill into law that he claimed was old business, imperfect and we'll get to the earmark reform thing next year. Excellent convictions there "O". You certainly are making your mark. I guess Nancy Pelosi didn't want earmark reform and since you've pretty much delegated your presidency to her, that's what we got. Now your people, like DICK Durbin are trying to "redefine" earmarks as good things. Well, which is it? Are you going to eliminate this wasteful spending or are you going to redefine everything that's bad for our country as good so you can get away with it?

Oh and speaking of redefining terms, I see your tax cheat Tim "Turotax" Geitner told Charlie Rose that capitalism is going to be different from now on. Earth to Tim, you economic genius you, if capitalism is going to be different, it's not going to be capitalism!

You have to love this administration. All they have to do is redefine things to mean what they want them to mean and every thing is hunky dory! Nice!

OK Mr. President. I'm redefining being a taxpayer as someone who DOESN'T pay any taxes. You guys should recognize that. See? That was easy.

This President and this administration are a train wreck, but you know what? A lot of people voted for these boobs. Change and hope were the buzz words of his campaign and we can only now hope that change comes in 2010 and we can get America back on track away from this President who has no clue how to lead a country.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Embryonic Stem Cells - Wrong in So Many Ways

The Abortion President has now become the Anti-Embryo President by rescinding the Bush Administration's Policy of not providing your tax dollars to pay for human-destroying Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR).

To date, there are NO CURES that have come out of this ethically and morally challenged "research". Embryonic Stem Cell Research takes frozen embryos (unborn babies) and destroys them to use the cells to try to cure certain conditions, such as Parkinson's Disease. A noble cause, but at what price?

Also, the Abortion/Anti-Baby President has unleashed the scientific community to "police" itself to determine what is ethically and morally OK to do. Oh, yes. We want scientists, many of whom are atheists, determining what research is ethical and moral when the result will be them getting millions of dollars in research grants from the government. Sound like a good idea to you?

Hmmmm, yes, we think killing Down's Syndrome children is the ethically/morally correct thing to do for the greater good. Sound far-fetched? I don't think so. This is the perverbial slippery slope to that type of thing. We should not allow any group to make such determinations, especially when people's lives are involved as well as millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

This is from Dawn Vargo, a bioethics analyst: Despite millions and millions of dollars spent on embryonic stem-cell research, it has failed to provide a single cure, anywhere in the world. Without significant advances, it looks like this is just the latest government bailout of a morally bankrupt and financially failing industry.
The fact is that embryonic stem cells are economically deprived because they are scientifically bankrupt. Over the last 10 years, we've heard many claims about the potential for cures. But with each passing year we've heard the grandiose promise of cures grow fainter — and patients' hope fade even more.

Why, then, is this "research" still being pursued? Why is it necessary? Why should your tax dollars go to support such a thing when there is no evidence to support its viability or it's "promise"? Well, it goes to the culture of death in the scientific community. Why do people still talk about killing people who are terminally ill? Why is abortion still available? People don't have worth to the scientific community, except as research material. They don't believe that you and I are anything more than a collection of cells with no worth or purpose.

Of course, that cannot be farther from the truth. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for my sins and your sins and if we had no worth or purpose, you can bet that never would have happened.

This is just another piece of evidence that the Aborion/Anti-Baby President is not a Christian. Oh, he may be a "man of faith", but that faith doesn't value any life and it's a faith that doesn't translate in his actions. So, in the end, it's no faith at all. Just another lie from this guy, but we're getting used to that from him by now.

I don't know what we can do. We can protest. We should contact the White House and voice our opposition to this act. We must. There are innocent lives at stake. Lives that have no voice except ours.

I am not happy with our government right now. They are going in the wrong direction on everything. This is my country, but that's not the kind of government we should have. It's not representative of the people. Oh, with the media in his pocket, he has high approval ratings, but if they actually reported the truth and stopped printing special commemorative magazines about this guy, he'd be run out of town on a rail.

We need to act. We need to organize. We need to communicate in an effective way that this President is not doing the right thing. In two years, we need to vote for a change. The Right Change. Not this type of change. God willing, we'll have good choices then.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.