Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Attack Attack Attack!

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much tired of all the attacking that goes on in politics. When are politicians going to TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES???

Instead of attacking each other, they should be attacking the problems we have in the country. What about the looming economic problems we are about to embark on? Did anyone notice that the federal government just took over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae the two mortgage giants? Who do you think is guaranteeing those loans? You and I are to the tune of $14000 per American household. Does that scare anyone? It scares me.

All this attacking of Sarah Palin tells me she is the real deal. It's like what satan does. If he thinks you are not a threat, he'll leave you alone to do your own thing. Once he perceives you are a threat to him, he'll attack you. That's what the left is doing to Sarah Palin. I believe their attacks are proportionate to how strong a candidate she really is. They have to go at her hard because they perceive, and rightly so I think, that she'll propel John McCain into the Whitehouse. It's sad, really. Instead of having a viable candidate that debates the issues, they try to destroy the other side. Both sides are guilty of that, unfortunately. It's a sad statement on what we've become as a society.

I'm hoping and praying that she is the real deal. So far, with all I've heard and seen, she is, but time will tell. Sorry about the skepticism, but I believe anything can happen.

Get out and vote, it's your right and obligation!

God bless you and may God bless America!

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