Friday, September 5, 2008

John McCain

I went into the speech by John McCain last night not expecting much because, well, most of the commentators kept telling us, "He's not a great orator". They were right. Sarah Paliln's speech was much more moving, sharp and funny, but it was no more compelling.

I have been lukewarm about John McCain. Last night turned up the heat that I feel about John McCain. No, it was not a rousing speech. No, it was not marked with sharp wit or humor. What it had was straight talk, honesty, and humility.

At the end of the speech, you had to believe that John McCain not only loves America, but he gets it. He gets that we're struggling to buy groceries. He gets it that we don't want to pay $4 a gallon for gas. He gets it that some are struggling with their mortgages. He gets it that some will have a hard time heating their homes this winter. He gets it.

He's the guy who has the right ideas. Less government, not more. Less taxes, not more. More security, not less. More energy, not less.

You got a real sense that he's disappointed in how the country is going. The country that saved him from the tortuous sessions in a rat hole in Viet Nam. The country he served with honor for 22 years. The country he fought for. He's disappointed, but he's not discouraged. He loves America so much, he serves its citizens. That's his payback. Service to his country. The ultimate service will be to serve ALL the citizens of this great land as President. He and Sarah Palin will serve us all by turning Washington D.C. on it's ear.

The only special interest group that will have their ear is us, those who call ourselves Americans. You really get that from Mr. McCain and Mrs, Palin. They are servants. We are the reason they are doing what they do. It's heartwarming, refreshing and, unfortunately, rare to see.

Will their message get out with the liberal, elitist media controlling what we all see and hear and wanting Obama to win? Time will tell. I hope so.

God bless you and God bless America!

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