Friday, September 26, 2008

Enough is Enough!

OK, is anyone else losing their patience with our representatives in Washington? I know I am.

Who cares about debates when the country is headed down the drain? Who cares what party you belong to when the country is headed down an economic abyss?

These people just don't get it. The country is in trouble and all they can do is play the blame game to try and posture themselves to win an election. I'm sick of it. Are you?

We need an uprising. Not an overthrow of the government, but an uprising of voters or Americans. We need to hold these politicians' feet to the fire until they do something to fix this mess or at least head us down the road to fix it. Enough is enough.

Sure, you can read all kinds of glib comments from all those bloggers out there on one side or the other. They mean nothing at a time like this. We need to fix America and we need to do it now.

This is our economic 9/11. We are being attacked by bad decisions by greedy people. It's an attack on our economic well-being much like Osama Bin Laden's attack on the World Trade Center was. We need to gather up the troops and set off to win this war. Not with guns or missiles, but with sound economic minds coming up with sound approaches to fix this mess.

We don't need Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or Obama accusing McCain of this or that. We need cooperation and results. It's time everyone. Enough is enough.

Why isn't there more of an outcry from us? Is anyone out there? We should be screaming at our representatives to GET THIS DONE! They work for US! Use this link to find out who your representatives are in the House and Senate and tell them to fix this mess!

Let's go America. It's time for us to stand up and be heard!

God bless you and yours and may God bless America!

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