Monday, September 22, 2008

SNL, the Left Proven Out of Touch AGAIN!

Well, looks like our friends at Saturday Night Live have once again proven they are yesterday's news. A failed attempt at lampooning the New York Times has backfired on them and brought more condemnation on them and the left.

Have you heard about this? They thought it was funny to joke about Todd Palin having an incestuous relationship with his daughter Bristol, who is pregnant. HAHA! That's just a laugh riot! Can you hear all those knees being slapped out there?

Instead of bringing a lighter note to an otherwise nasty presidential campaign, these lunkheads have brought up a topic that was all but being put to the side by the economy and that is bashing Sarah Palin and her family. Wow, and they call Republicans insensitive!

Can you imagine the moral outrage if, say, Rush Limbaugh did a parody about Obama being a Muslim and beating his wife? Wow, now that's GOT to be funny! Oh, man, the left would have a collective stroke trying to get that out on the internet, tv, cable, print. Arianna Huffington and her henchmen bloggers would be speechless and wouldn't that be a pleasure?

Look, no one, and I mean no one on the right is doing anything like this to Obama. To say the left is innocent (come on it's satire, they'll say), is like saying Islam is a religion of peace.

Let's take a look at the man "who approved this message" and wonder, is this REALLY the judgment and moral character we want in the highest office in our great country?

God bless you and may God bless America!

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