Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Redistribution of Wealth

Barack Obama on "The O'Reilly Factor" last night:

"If I'm sitting pretty and you've got a waitress who is making minimum wage plus tips, and I can afford it and she can't, what's the big deal for me to say I'm going to pay a little more?" Obama said. "That's neighborliness."

No Barack that's Socialism

If she can't afford it, then, why doesn't she find herself a better job? Wow! What a concept. Maybe, oh I don't know, go to school and get trained for a better job? Oh, wow, I guess waitresses can't go to school or get trained to so something different.

Wait, whatever happened to pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? That's what makes this country great because anyone can do that! Let her take a loan like millions of others do and move up the economic ladder. Enough is enough already people. The government should not have to do for you. Do it for yourself!

We are not a weak people. Americans are strong people. We have the guts and the smarts to do great things.

We need less government, not more!

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