Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Criticism for Barack

He's an agent for change! Change you can count on!

OK, I'll bite. Can anyone, anyone tell me one thing he worked to change and changed in Illinois as a State Representative? Anyone? Anything? On boy, those crickets are chirping mighty loud today I couldn't hear you!

OK, well, maybe as a Senator. Anyone know of a significant (or insignificant, hey throw me a bone here) piece of legislation that the good Senator from Illinois wrote and got passed that changed anything, even for the worse?

Hmmm, those crickets are getting louder!

I guess you can't criticize someone who does nothing.

He's still the most liberal senator in the most do nothing Democratically-led congress in twenty years.

Agent for change?

Yes, the good Senator has convinced everyone that we need John McCain and Sarah Palin (two people with actual records of positive change), as well as a Republican-led congress to get some things done for this country.

God bless you and God bless America!


seymour butz said...

Come on! he's been a great community organizer. He saw a community that needed organizing and he organized it. Now that takes leadership - being a community organizer and all. As far as legislation, by that i assume you mean "laws'. Well he may not have written any, but he sure didn't break any like Bus....Eh McCain did!

Mr Mike NY said...

He did change the sex education laws in IL as a state senator when he voted that "age appropriate" sex education should be taught to kindergarten students. That's a change we can live with, isn't it? I mean I am all for educators who are all left of deciding what is age appropriate to teach a five year old.