Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There's less than a week to go until Election Day. The citizens of this country enjoy this right, to choose who leads us in our government from our tiny towns to the highest office in the land. Though we have that right, only 3 out of 10 (in a good year) actually partake of that right. It's sad how apathetic we are when it comes to voting.

I want to talk to those of you who call yourselves Christian. Do you plan to vote this year? Please, if you are not, please reconsider. This year, more so than others, is a pivotal election in our history. Not only are there important issues on the table like abortion, gay marriage, redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, and such issues like that, but did you realize that the next President will appoint from between two and five Supreme Court Justices? These are the people who shape the interpretation of law throughout our land. They wield tremendous influence in this country for better or worse.

One candidate, Obama wants the Supreme Court to be sympathetic to certain groups in this country. In a 2001 interview he stated that he wanted the Supreme Court to be involved in redistributing wealth in this country. He also stated that he wanted them (the Supreme Court Justices) to favor some over others. So, he wants some to have an advantage in the courts over others. Now, I don't know about you, but one of the great things about this country is that all are treated equally under the law, so it doesn't matter if you are a corporate CEO or if you serve coffee at the local diner counter, as soon as you step into court, you are treated the same as the next person. Barack Obama wants to change that. This is a fact. The audio of that interview can be found here at the NPR web site. Scroll to the January 18, 2001 interview and listen for yourself.

Why should you be concerned about all of this? Well, if you believe that he government was meant to take your money and give it to someone else, then it means nothing. If you are a parent of a daughter and you believe that your daughter should have the "right" to unfettered abortions and have those abortions without your knowledge or consent even if she's a minor, then it means nothing. If you believe it's OK for babies, fully viable and ALIVE, who survive an abortion attempt to be put into closets and allowed to DIE, then it means nothing. If you believe it's OK to kill a baby at any time during a pregnancy even at delivery, then this issue means nothing to you. If you believe that anyone should be able to marry anyone, such as a man marrying a man, a man marrying several women or even combinations of men and women marrying, then it means nothing. If you don't care about these and other moral issues facing this nation, then the Supreme Court should mean nothing to you.

However, if you are intent on voting what you believe to be the truth as a Christian, then this should mean everything to you. As Christians, we must vote what we believe. If our faith doesn't translate into action, then it is no faith at all. I'd like to refer you to James 2:26. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, this should be important to you.

Vote. Get other Christians to vote. You know I get so many "forwards" in my email. All kinds of things from jokes to chain emails imploring me to say a prayer and then send that email to another five, ten or however many people and then see what happens. What kind of groundswell would there be if we, as Christians, started an email chain exhorting all Christ-followers to simply leave their homes on November 4th and cast a vote for what they believe, what we all believe as the body of Christ? I believe there would be a landslide the likes of which have not been seen in a long time.

Vote. Vote what you believe. Leave the rest to God.

God bless you and may God, in His infinite grace and mercy bless America.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prayer for America

There are those who say, "Well, there's nothing left to do but pray." There's a sense of desperation in that statement, isn't there?

Prayer should not be done in desperation by those who call themselves Christ followers. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we are told not to stop praying, much less leave it to the last possible thing to do in a situation. Prayer should be a constant activity in our day.

That doesn't mean that we are to continually pray, but that throughout the day we should pray from time to time as we go about our daily routines.

We should have been praying for this year's election for some time now. We shouldn't be leaving it to the last moment. If you haven't been praying for this year's election, please start today. Reach out to God and pray from your heart.

Pray for this country too. Pray for peace and protection. Pray that we'll be a light once again to the world. Pray for a revival, the likes of which we've never seen. Pray that our new leaders will govern us in a way that is pleasing and glorifying to God. If ever we needed God, it is now.

Whatever happens next Tuesday, let it not be because God's children didn't pray. Together, in prayer, we wield tremendous power and who can withstand the awesome power of God when His children ask Him for help?

One last thing. Don't let any poll keep you from voting. Your vote does count. It's your privilege and responsibility to vote.

God bless you and may God bless America.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Down the Stretch They Come!

This year's presidential race is just about over. Election Day is eight days away. Come January, we'll have someone new in the White House.

As the campaigns draw to a close the tension, rhetoric, desperation is being ratcheted up to a fever pitch. More attack ads, more often trying to sway voters. Trying to show the other guy is wrong for the job. Trying, desperately trying to win.

Most of the media is pulling for Obama, as if they would benefit from a Presidency that squashes those who even seem to disagree with him. How long will it be before a President Obama shuts down those media outlets, like FoxNews, that would take him to task on being a Marxist or soft on terrorism. His media attack dogs will be out in force to silence those who even question his abilities, ideas, or methods. Does anyone remember Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union or more recently what Mr. Chavez did in Venezuela as their dictator? Silence those who oppose you, so the masses will get in line. Does that sound like the America you want to live in?

This is going on now, this day, in this country by the Obama campaign. Barbara West, a journalist in Florida on WFTV, was conducting an interview with Joe Biden on TV. She asked him a couple of admittedly tough questions. OH MY! Imagine a politician having to answer actual questions! My oh my what a concept. Well, old Joe never answered the questions. Sure he smiled, he laughed, he seemed surprised that someone would have the audacity to ask some tough questions, but he never answered the questions.

After that, Biden's wife was to be on the same Florida TV station and the Obama campaign canceled that appearance and basically told the station they were now blackballed from any contact with the Obama campaign.

This is from a blog titled "Hal Boedecker, The TV Guy":

WFTV-Channel 9's Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday. A friend says it's some of the best entertainment he's seen recently. What do you think?

West wondered about Sen. Barack Obama's comment, to Joe the Plumber, about spreading the wealth. She quoted Karl Marx ("From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Quote added by me Eagleswingsbob for reference) and asked how Obama isn't being a Marxist with the "spreading the wealth" comment.

"Are you joking?" said Biden, who is Obama's running mate. "No," West said.

West later asked Biden about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America's days as the world's leading power were over.

"I don't know who's writing your questions," Biden shot back.

Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.

"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

Now back to my blog:

Nice, eh? Ask tough questions, get blackballed. You know that those "in the tank" for Mr. Obama will make sure that they have continuous access to him by never hitting him hard on any issues. Can that be good for the country? Well, no, of course not. You need to know the truth from those in power and the media is the way to that truth, or so it should be. That will be stopped with an Obama regime.

Let's face it, the more you experience Mr. Obama, the scarier he gets.

I recently came back from a trip to Europe, the UK, specifically. I have seen what taxing people to death does to people's spirits. It kills it. His ideas about taking from the rich to giving to the poor is right out of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is the father of Communism in the Soviet Union. COMMUNISM, folks. Remember, the form of government WE FOUGHT AGAINST? This is not freedom. It's not right. It's not America.

In America we succeed or fail on our own. That's the beauty of our system. Someone from a poor background can leave that poverty by working hard. ANYONE can succeed. In Barack Obama's world no one succeeds. It's evil to succeed. You get penalized (taxed) for succeeding. People, you may think the rich are the problem in this country, but they aren't. They are the people who risk their money to create jobs. They are the people who work 18 hour days to build a business and when that business succeeds, they get rewarded by higher earnings. After all, they worked for it. It sustains jobs. They give large sums of money to charities. They keep local economies going because their workers have to buy breakfasts and lunches. They stop at the local shops to drop off dry cleaning. They buy a quart of milk on the way home at the local grocery store. Do you see how it works in a capitalist society? Barack Obama wants to fundamentally change this country into one that is dependent on the government. That's not America.

We are a strong, independent people. We want to do what's right. We are farmers. We are small business owners. We are grocery clerks. We work hard. We love freedom. All of this is slipping away because of people like Barack Obama. He thinks you aren't smart or hard working. He wants to weaken you so you have to depend on the government. Dependence on the government means weakness. You cannot do anything for yourself. Ever want to put up a shed on your property and the town tells you where on your property you can put it and how big it can be and sometimes what color it can be? It's not right and that's just a small thing. Imagine when you are accepting "subsidies" to buy things like a car. Imagine the restrictions that will come with that. They'll tell you that your car has to be a certain size or has to get a certain gas mileage. Can you imagine your government getting that intrusive into your life? Well, it could happen and probably will.

You know that there is literally no such thing as a free lunch. You don't get anything from the government for nothing. There's always a price to pay.

Although I know in my heart that no matter who gets elected, that God has this whole situation in His capable hands, it still concerns me that America is about to change and not for the good if Barack Obama gets in with a Democratically-controlled congress. My child will not benefit from the America I grew up in. She'll not be able to make something of herself. We'll be Europe and I've been there and it's not a place I want to live.

If you are someone with a relationship with God, use this week to pray. Pray for peace. Pray for the right person to get in. Pray for God to forgive this country for its sins. This very well could be God's way of getting our attention. Telling us we are straying too far from Him. After all, he allowed Israel to be overtaken time after time to show them the error of her ways. This could be the same situation.

Friends I have to tell you I am pessimistic about the outcome of this election, but I'm voting. Don't stay home becasue the media says the race is over. Remember, they predicted that Harry Truman lost to Thomas Dewey and THEY WERE WRONG! They are doing this to discourage those who would vote for McCain from coming out. It's a classic strategy. If we, who identify more closely with John McCain get out and vote, we may very well see the media and the Obama campaign who are already planning their celebrations with perverbial egg on their collective faces.

May God bless you all and may God bless America.

Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain or Obama, Does It Really Matter?

OK, so I was thinking this weekend. I know, that sounds scary and maybe even unique, but I was thinking.

Does it really matter, in the long run, who is elected President of the United States? Eternally, it makes no difference whatsoever and as a Christ follower, that should be my perspective on everything.

No matter who gets in and what havoc they create on this earth, eternally speaking, it does not matter because Christ is still in control, He is still our LORD and Savior, He still protects us and helps us through tough times (please refer to Psalm 23 of the Bible version of your choice) and we will still spend ETERNITY with Him in paradise. And compared to the time a person is in power (up to eight years), eternity is a much longer time than that!

So, take heart, and do what you can, VOTE, but don't worry and keep your eyes on Jesus because He is the Beginning and the End (Alpha and Omega for those of you who prefer).

Our focus should be Jesus and we cannot allow circumstances to dictate our actions or our mental state, that's what our relationship with Jesus should be doing. I refer you to "the peace that surpasses all understanding".

We need to remember these things. It is for times like this that we should be reading and studying God's Word. We should be praying. Of course, these are things we should be doing anyway, but it is for times like these that we reap the benefits of those activities.

So, as things happen and events unfold, read more, pray more, get a keener focus on your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Cling to the that tree that He died on. Drop all your baggage at the His feet. Resolve today to allow God to shoulder your burdens no matter what they are, whether financial, relationship, work, housing, marriage, or whatever. Get somewhere private, get on your knees and talk to God and hand over your life with all the garbage, weaknesses, sins, virtues, talents, everything. Make up your mind today to let God walk you "through the valley".

And, if you haven't given your life over to the One who is the Rock, then don't let another day go by without giving it all over to Him including your life and life circumstances. He will not only guide you, He will protect you and make sure that in the end, when all is said and done, that you are whole and OK even if it is the day of His return.

Keep that eternal perspective. Don't let circumstances dictate your actions or your mental state (yes, I know I said that already, but I think it's important to repeat). Let your relationship with Him, dictate your response to life's circumstances.

We are different and we should be living differently. We should standout with how we react to life. We should stand out with how peaceful we are. Not that we should not care, but that it should not bother us as those who do not have the Hope we do. The hope and comfort we have because we have a relationship with the One who is in control of the universe.

And it is when we live differently, that those who do not have a relationship with God will be prompted to ask questions and be drawn to Him, the One who saves. After all, that's our purpose on this planet. Let's decide today to fulfill that purpose to God's glory because we are the children of God and we should want what our Father, almighty God, wants and that is that "all would be saved".

God bless you and may God bless America!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Panic? No, Hang Tight

OK, so things in this country and around the world are crazy right now. Don't panic.

Remember in "It's A Wonderful Life" when everyone was panicking and old man Potter wasn't? He gained control of the banks, transportation, and other industries in the town. Control. That's what it was about, not the money. He had plenty of that.

Sound familiar? The government is playing on the fear, the panic to gain control. In the end we all lose if that happens. Don't panic! Hang in there and keep telling your representatives to stop and don't buy or nationalize industries like banking, which they are talking about.

I am not giving you financial advice. You have to decide financial moves for yourself. My advice is to not make any decisions without thinking about it and researching it. Don't panic! The people who come out of these situations well are those who DO NOT PANIC.

The Word of God is such a comfort in times like this:

Matthew 6(NIV):
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Hang in there. It's up to us to be a light to those around us. We have to be that example of "the peace that passes all understanding". This way God will use this to draw more to Himself. We need to "be still" and let God use us.

A couple of blogs ago I was discouraged, but I see this whole thing differently now. We have a responsibility in times like this to show who God is. How He helps us. How we are different. Let's stand tall, arm in arm with our faces towards the storm and let God work through us.

It's all about God, guys. Not us. We have to approach this with that in mind. What can we do to further the spread of the Gospel? What good does it do our mission, to spread the "Good News" if we are worrying, panicking, or talking and being negative? It doesn't do it any good.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Let's take the time to pray for strength. Do it today. Allow God to use you. It's what we're here for.

To God be the glory!

God bless you and may God bless America!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Alarm is Ringing!

Hear that? That annoying sound? That's your alarm ringing. Question is will you wake up?

Your government is thinking of buying all the banks. Remember when the Venezuelan dictator Chavez started buying industries and nationalizing them? That's what DICTATORS do. They bring everything under GOVERNMENT control.

Sound familiar? The US government is thinking of BUYING THE BANKING INDUSTRY. Hello? Hear that alarm?

We are a democratic republic, aren't we? Not a dictatorship. Are we? Has anyone out there voted on this? Have any of YOUR representatives or senators asked you about this? No, I didn't think so.

Why are we allowing this? Is anyone paying attention?

It's time to wake up America! We need action. We need to find someone we TRUST. It's not Obama. It's apparently not McCain either. Neither party is doing the right thing. There has to be someone out there.

I do know someone, not a Washington insider, not a politician even, that you can put ALL your trust in. That would be Jesus Christ. He is trustworthy for sure. He's looking out for you. He died for you. When you have a relationship with Him, you can trust Him to take care of you. That doesn't mean that things won't happen. Life still happens even with a relationship with Jesus, but what happens is that He walks through your life with you and helping you. You may get bruised or even battered, but you'll be able to get through it all and be OK at the other side of it.

We need to wake up America and hold our elected officials accountable for what they are doing. We need Jesus more. Give your life to Christ. All things will work for the good for you after that.

God bless you. May God bless America.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm Angry and Discouraged

I didn't watch the debate last night between McCain and Obama. There was nothing either could say to sway me one way or the other. Also, if the guy I want in did poorly, I wanted to save myself the aggravation of watching it.

As we get closer to Election Day, I am getting angrier and more discouraged. I am bracing for what I believe will be one of the darkest days in our nation's history, electing Barack Obama President. Oh, I'm still casting my vote. That matters. I think everyone should still vote, but be aware that things are going to change in this country, and not for the better when he gets in. I hope that I am wrong, I really do, but it's just looking bleak right now.

Why John McCain is not going harder at this guy is beyond me. I think that's where a lot of my anger is coming from. It's like seeing your friend getting beat up and not defending himself and not being able to jump in to help.

We are also seeing how powerful the media is. They want Obama in, although why I cannot fathom, and they are making sure that happens. The masses don't watch people like Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity. These guys, especially the crew from FoxNews, have been demonized in the media, so the vast majority of Americans probably see them as right-wing kooks.

There are things coming out about Obama that are disturbing at best. His associations with people who want to do America harm. These are not just casual relationships, either. It's appalling to me that more of this is not coming out. It's not surprising knowing how the media is, it's just appalling.

My country is about to change radically. I don't like that one bit. Abortion, gay marriage, the second amendment. These are things that will shape our society for years to come, not to mention we are about to be taxed into oblivion. The government will tell you how much you can make. How much is enough for you. Remember, Biden said that people making $250K per year "can afford" to give to others who don't have. Really? Who is he to say that? How can he determine who can afford what? The government is about to take a hold of your life that it will not willingly release.

How can we, as freedom-loving Americans allow that to happen? Why are we being led like lemmings to the brink of disaster by electing this "man"? There are no leaders on the other side. Not McCain, no one. There are no Teddy Roosevelts.

Now, more than ever, we need to lean on God. I have to be honest, that I have been fretting over this whole election and ignoring my own advice from one of my previous blogs on how to weather the storm. I am not focused on Jesus at all. I'm angry. I'm discouraged. I can't believe that this is happening. I can't seem to get it out of my head that my country is not going to be special anymore. It's not a place that people will look to anymore. We are declining as a nation and that hurts.

What hurts even more is that God, though present, is being pushed out of our public lives. When Obama gets in, our freedoms will change also. We won't be able to speak out against things that he deems worthy, like gay marriage, abortion and the like. That will be "hate speech". They will tell us, keep that talk private. Your faith is a private thing. Our pastors will not be able to preach against sinful lifestyles. They will try to silence us. It's a scary thing. This will happen just by electing one man to the presidency. If that happens, I pray to God to have the strength of Daniel.

If we don't come together as a group and I'm talking about Christians and vote for McCain, we will get what we deserve. It's too late to organize. It's too late to do anything but get out there and make sure we get the right person in there.

It's not looking good friends.

I can only hope I am wrong.

God bless you and may God bless America.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pray for America

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Friends, it is time to pray. Pray for your country. God gives us this promise in 2 Chronicles, but it comes with conditions. What are they?

The first is that we must be His people. Yes, that's right, God hears His people and not those who aren't called by His name. It's just the way it is. This says God won't hear those who do not give their lives over to Jesus Christ.

The second condition is that we must humble ourselves, pray and seek Him. We must admit that we need God. That without Him, we are nothing and can do nothing. We must admit to Him that we are sinful. We must come clean with all our weaknesses and faults. We have to come down from our own self-styled pedestal and lay at His feet with our face in the dirt. We must look for what He wants from us. How He wants us to live. What He wants us to give up.

The third condition, and I wonder if this isn't the most important, is that we must repent. Turn from our wicked ways is what God tells us. There is no option. We MUST repent. Leave all those things that are keeping us from God at the foot of the cross. Whatever that sin is, porn, drugs, work, food, sex, shopping, we MUST repent and turn from those things.

Once we meet those conditions, God will fulfill His end of the promise. Go ahead and test Him. He's faithful. He's true to His word. He will do what He says.

Friends, we need a revival in this land. We are headed down a horribly sinful path in this country and we need to reverse that. The only way that will happen is with God's help. We cannot do it on our own.

America needs all of the Christ followers now. We must do this or this country could be lost.

Will you set out from now on to humble yourself, repent and pray for America? If we do, we will be astonished at what God will do for our great land. He promised it, He'll deliver.

God bless you and may God bless America.

Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate Analysis

I hate watching debates. I just hate them. It's too aggravating for me because of the sniping that goes back and forth and the half-truth spins people put on facts and the techniques used to make the other person just plain look bad.

That being said, I watched most of the debate last night between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. Here's my take on it.

Sarah Palin won this debate hands down. For the last two weeks she has been vilified by the mainstream media, left-wing blogs and those who got convinced she was some air-head, know-nothing from Hole-In-The-Wall, Alaska. Well, OK. Take that criticism and look at what happened last night when she went up against the more experienced, more seasoned, expert Senate debater Joe Biden. Nothing happened. There was no knockout punch. It wasn't Bambi vs. Godzilla. She wasn't embarrassed or shown up. She didn't crash and burn. She more than held her own against the mighty Biden. That makes her the clear winner of this debate. Biden couldn't deliver the final blow and suddenly Rocky gets off the canvas and you can hear the inspirational music start playing in the background.

The choice we have this year is clear to me. We either put all of our trust in someone who will take this country down the path to socialism, higher-taxes, higher-interest rates a la Jimmy Carter, weaker defense and a lower standard of living. That would be Mr. Obama. Or we can elect someone who will protect babies both unborn and newly born after botched abortions, lower taxes, keep our national defense strong and vital, provide oversight and reform to our economy and generally get the federal government out of our way so that we can prosper.

America, make the choice.

God bless you and may God bless America!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're Losing America

Let's face it, the America we have today is not the America our parents had. The country is changing and not for the better.

Friends we are embarking into an era where our freedoms will be decreased, our government will become more controlling over our lives and our money and our quality of life will be forever changed.

We're losing America.

As Obama cruises into the Presidency and McCain seems to be happy to hand it to him, I am reminded of how gleeful all those New Yorkers were when the "honorable" Eliot Spitzer was elected Governor of this once great state. Well, America, you get what you pay for and Eliot Spitzer turned out not to be the great governor they all thought he would be, but a common john that frequented prostitutes.

Well, Obama supporters, enjoy your victory. People were happy about Jimmy Carter too. Then when interest rates were in the double digits and our citizens were held hostage in Iran, the happiness gave way to dispair and anger. Yet, Jimmy Carter could do nothing to give economic relief to those who suffered under possibly the worst presidency in our history. Also, he talked to the Iranians. He talked and talked and talked. Negotiated. Cajoled. Talking did nothing to release our citizens from their illegal captivity. Talk is what you'll get from Obama. No action. Just talk. He'll negotiate. He'll take the diplomatic approach. He'll give this country away.

You get what you pay for America.

If you want us to be more like Europe or even China, then elect Obama.

If you think your government can do better with more of your money in the form of higher taxes, then elect Obama.

If you think the government knows better how you should live your life than you do, then elect Obama.

If you don't give a hoot about what America stands for and you think we are the "evil" empire, then by all means vote for Obama.

If you don't care that Obama's close associates are domestic terrorists, then please vote for him.

If, the fact that his closest economic adivisors are the very greedy men that led Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into this economic disaster called the subprime mortgage mess and gave tens of thousands of dollars to Obama and Obama did nothing to reform those entities, then, please, vote for Obama.

Me? I'm not giving my vote to someone who has done nothing as a Senator, wants to increase the size, scope and power of our government and the control they have over us, whose judgement is horrible in making choices like who he associates with, was wrong on Iraq and is such an agent for change he chose a man with 30 years in Washington who was voted the third most liberal senator in America (two places behind Mr. Obama).

I'm giving McCain my vote. He probably will not win, but I have to make a statement in my own way. After all, even though it doesn't look like it anymore, this is still America.

God bless you and may God bless America.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Seems Like McCain is Fading

Not that this will convince me to not vote or vote for the other person, but it seems like John McCain has lost his way. Ever since he suspended his campaign to work on the bailout plan (which failed by the way), he has faded from sight. Meanwhile, Obama stays in the background letting the economy campaign for him

John McCain needs to do something dramatic and do it quickly or all is lost and we are on our way to becoming Europe.

He needs a better plan than is already out there. The Senate plan is basically the House plan with some tax breaks in there. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. This one still smells.

There's no leadership coming from either side. They are paralyzed by the fear of failure.

As Americans we should be demanding action from our representatives. Clinton, Schumer, where are they? Nowhere to be found. They voted for that horrible bailout. It is so shameful that this do nothing Congress continues to do nothing even in the face of horrific economic events. I cannot imagine what would happen if we were attacked. They'd blame each other while the bombs were falling.

I am tired. I have no patience for this. At 50, nonsense just makes me angry and that what this is, nonsense. Pelosi, Reid, all of them are playing politics with this country bringing us to the brink of an economic meltdown not seen since my parents were kids in the 20s and 30s.

I take solace in the fact that no matter what happens, this is only temporary and whatever pain (economic or otherwise) I have to go through for now, eternity in Heaven awaits those of us who are children of the Almighty Father.

Even so LORD Jesus, come quickly.

God bless you and may God bless America.