Tuesday, December 15, 2009

YouTube - Avalon - Orphans of God - Front Row Live - Gospel Music Chan

Great song from Avalon a wonderful Christian group.

This song is uplifting and inspiring! Please watch and listen!

God bless you.

YouTube - Avalon - Orphans of God - Front Row Live - Gospel Music Chan

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moonbattery: Planned Parenthood: "A Fetus Is Just Like a Fingernail"

Tip of the hat to Moonbattery for this one.

Read the blog and watch the video. It's an undercover video about a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin where a woman is getting counseled about her "choices". See the choices she's given.

Your hard earned tax dollars are funding this. You paid for that "counselor" and that "doctor" to tell that woman that the fetus she's carrying is not a baby. That so-called doctor, with 40 years of abortions under his belt, tells the woman that having the abortion is safer than giving birth.

This is a travesty. It's immoral. And you paid for it.

Undercover Planned Parenthood Video

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

President Obama and EPA Seek to Destroy The America We All Love

Not through legislation, but through regulation, America is about to be ruined. How White House Climate Czar Carol Browner was ever allowed to get into her position is beyond me.

Friends, we have a mess on our hands. The Obama administration is attacking America from so many sides, it's hard to keep track. Know this, Barack Obama is looking to, in his own words, fundamentally transform America. This is happening now.

Please read the link above. Contact your representatives about this. Tell them to stop this person from changing and ruining America!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

US Ready for Another Reagan

Just as in 1980, after Jimmy Carter set this nation in a direction that would see our citizens held hostage over 400 days by Iranian Islamic extremists, gas prices soar, oil become scarce, and interest rates that made Mob interest rates more attractive, America is ready for another Ronald Reagan to come and rescue us from certain demise.

The problem is, who is our Ronald Reagan? Who exemplifies the character, wit and ideals that Reagan brought to the Presidency? Who is that conservative patriot waiting in the wings on their white horse ready to arrive in the nick of time just like the cavalry?

It wasn't John McCain.

Mitt Romney brings a lot of those qualities to the table, but does he have the strength of character? Is he the staunch conservative that Reagan was? Where is Mitt Romney, anyway? Has anyone heard from him?

Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, is a common sense conservative. He is steadfast in his beliefs. His economic ideas are good. He is an advocate of eliminating the IRS and instituting a "Fair Tax", which is a national sales tax. A radical idea to some, to others it is something that should have been done a long time ago.

Sarah Palin. Well, this lady had whipped up emotions that span the gamut from hatred to adoration. She is also conservative, with a down home common sense approach to governing. She speaks plainly in simple terms. Mrs. Palin fits the mold. She has a successful record of governing having run a city and then the entire state of Alaska. More than the current President has ever done.

We need someone with the backbone to stand and fight for American values. The current Oval Office occupant doesn't seem to have to desire to do that.

In the coming months, I pray that someone will emerge as the best candidate to come in , like Reagan, maybe the greatest President of our generation, and slam the brakes on this reckless ride into oblivion that the present administration and Democratic-led congress seems so adamant about bringing us on.

God bless you.

May God bless America with His grace and mercy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

American Thinker: After a Takeover of Health Care, Can a One-Child Policy Be Far Behind?

American Thinker: After a Takeover of Health Care, Can a One-Child Policy Be Far Behind?

If you think that the government is stopping at JUST controlling a huge part of our economy and by default and huge part of our lives, think again. Once they control health services, can other freedoms falling by the side be far behind?

Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist - Iraq | War | Map - FOXNews.com

Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist - Iraq | War | Map - FOXNews.com

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This is just horrendous! How can they do this to brave heroes who put their lives on the line for our freedom? So some terrorist got a bloody lip? WHO CARES!

I think that many more high value targets should just be brought in with lead poisoning, maybe behind the ear. This way they can't complain about being "assaulted".

President Obama, stop this insanity! Protect our military heroes! What are you doing Mr. President? Get off the golf course and start doing your job!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Manhattan Declaration

I strongly urge you to sign the Manhattan Declaration. Click the link and read about it.

The Manhattan Declaration

From the web site manhattandeclaration.org:

Christians, when they have lived up to the highest ideals of their faith, have defended the weak and vulnerable and worked tirelessly to protect and strengthen vital institutions of civil society, beginning with the family.

We are Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians who have united at this hour to reaffirm fundamental truths about justice and the common good, and to call upon our fellow citizens, believers and non-believers alike, to join us in defending them. These truths are:

  1. the sanctity of human life
  2. the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife
  3. the rights of conscience and religious liberty.

Inasmuch as these truths are foundational to human dignity and the well-being of society, they are inviolable and non-negotiable. Because they are increasingly under assault from powerful forces in our culture, we are compelled today to speak out forcefully in their defense, and to commit ourselves to honoring them fully no matter what pressures are brought upon us and our institutions to abandon or compromise them. We make this commitment not as partisans of any political group but as followers of Jesus Christ, the crucified and risen Lord, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters

Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters

Al Gore's world get's rocked by a scandal! This is going to change EVERYTHING! It's that BIG!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To All Who Have Worn the Uniform of this Great Land; THANK YOU!

There's not many things more moving than seeing someone in uniform. When you understand the selfless sacrifices they go through so that you and I are free and safe, you have to be moved. I am. My father served in the Army, 1st Armored Division, in World War II and my brothers served in the Air Force and Marines in the early 60s.

Neither of them served in Viet Nam, but they served. I am proud of each of them, as well as grateful for what they did for all of us.

Thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but it comes from my heart.

Here's a thought, if you see a veteran, not only today, but from now on, stop and shake their hand and give them a thanks for serving America.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


234 years ago, the United States Marine Corps was established. The premiere fighting force has honored themselves in their service protecting this country from all enemies. To all who served, Sempre Fi!

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Sigh of Relief, but a Call to Not Let Up

OK, so Election Day is over and the Republicans did really well. All seems better with the world.

It has only taken nine months for Barack Obama to wake the citizens of this country up to the reality of his idea of transforming the country. He's turning it into a socialist regime that holds dear to the tenet that big, intrusive government and not the people is the answer to all of society's ills.

Obamacare/Pelosicare is the government takeover of your health care. Taxes will increase due to the shear size of the cost (now estimated at a staggering $2,000,000,000.00 (that's TRILLION)) and the quality of care will necessarily decrease because so many more people will be inserted into the system. Wait times to see doctors and get critical tests will skyrocket. The quality of life in America will suffer greatly all because of this man's "vision". Can we afford that? Do we really want that?

Cap and trade, which is the single largest tax increase in the planet's history will kill this country. Whatever your thoughts are on global warming or climate change or whatever the latest buzz words are, this is an ill-conceived,, dangerous bill that threatens the lives of every American in the place that is most vulnerable since Obama was elected and that's our wallets. More taxes. Bigger government. More intrusion into our lives. Lower quality of life.

Is that the change you voted for?

Sure, our "image" is better around the world. And the reason for that is obvious. Obama has emasculated this country. He's taken our "swagger" away. He portrays us as weak as the other nations of this planet. He's this century's Neville Chamberlain. Though our image might be better, he's fostered no more cooperation from anyone. Not one foreign leader has jumped on the Obama bandwagon. He's singlehandedly pulled us back to the pack out of the world leadership role we have had for so long. Why would he do that? What is that accomplishing? It's making the world and, worse, our country more dangerous and more in peril.

The people of this country have awakened to see it all slipping away and hopefully it is not too late to save America from slipping away into Europe.

I see some hope, real hope, not the smoke and mirrors hope of Obama in the election results of Tuesday.

We need to keep on keeping on and build momentum for next year and 2012 and take this country back and put it in the right direction again. That direction is fiscal responsibility, less government intrusion in our lives, lower taxes, and more security both domestically and around the world.

God bless you.

May God bless America.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear President Obama - Stop Trying to Silence Those Who Disagree with You!

President Obama has launched an all out assault on your free speech. By targeting Foxnews and "isolating" them, he has taken a step towards silencing all who don't follow his philosophy of bigger government, higher taxes, government control of everything and no one dissenting.

Dissent is what makes this country great and indeed was embraced by the liberals in Washington for the eight years that George Bush was in office. All of a sudden, dissent and speaking out is "unAmerican". The hypocrisy of it all is so obvious.

He has sent David Aexelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs and the Mao Tse Tung loving Anita Dunn out to tell America that Foxnews is not a news station and shouldn't be treated as such. Well, that's just a lie. They are all lying. One need only watch Foxnews and see the truth and people are watching in record numbers. Newsmax reported on a poll by the League of American Voters that showed that almost 50% of Foxnews viewers are Democrat or Independent. People are flocking to Foxnews because they are fair and balanced as their motto says. They have all points of view on and, yes, they cover the news straight out and probably better than the networks because they don't put a spin on it. They report, you decide.

We all need to speak out about this. Tell the President to stop trying to squelch our free speech!

We need Foxnews if only to counteract the rest of the so-called mainstream media who swoon at every breath and movement of the president. They (the mainstream media) are acting as his public relations bureau rather than keeping him accountable.

The Administration would do well to put their time into governing because, so far, they aren't really doing a good job. They are running this country into the ground and they don't want you to know about it.

Mr. President, with all due respect to the office, stop trying to silence those of us who disagree with you. 2012 is not that far away.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama Friendly ACORN in a Scandal that Rages On - Charlie Gibson from ABC Laughs

ACORN, the community organization that receives millions (and is slated to receive billions, yes, that's billions with a "b") more) that is being overrun with scandal after scandal and with very close, intimate ties to Obama is being ravaged by scandal after scandal, the most recent one involving a pimp and a prostitute and illegal, underage girls from Nicaragua. Foxnews (and not too many other so-called news outlets) is covering this deeply disturbing story as is the blogosphere, but apparently, the biggest scandal to rock Obama to date has somehow kept itself from one Charles Gibson of ABC. Good thing you're retiring Charlie (or maybe you already have).

Yesterday, Gibson was a guest on the Wade and Roma show being broadcast on 890 WLS radio out of the Windy City. In light of the growing ACORN scandal (one of many brewing for this questionable organization) co-host Don Wade asked the following question of the soon to be retired Mr. Gibson::

Okay, here’s my news question. A Senate bill yesterday passes, cutting off funds to this group called ACORN. Now, we got that bill passed and we have the embarrassing video of ACORN staffers giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel with 13-year-old hookers. It has everything you could want – corruption and sleazy action at tax-funded organizations and it’s got government ties. But nobody’s covering that story. Why?

Gibson: HAHAHAHAHA. HEHEHE. I didn’t even know about it. Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss. I don’t know. Uh. Uh. But my goodness, if it’s got everything including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it this morning.

Roma: This is the American way!

Gibson: Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.

Roma: Well, I think this is a huge issue because there’s so much funding that goes into this organization…

Gibson: I know we’ve done some stories about ACORN before, but this one I don’t know about...

Roma: Jake Tapper did some blogging on it. I know he’s blogged at least once on this scandal.

Gibson: You guys are uh really up on the website

A couple of things here:

#1 - Apparently, laughing like a schoolgirl is a technique the left uses so as to minimize a topic or opposition to "O" as if the story was so unimportant and of no value. Charles Gibson is a joke now and the laughs are on him. Good thing he's getting out, because he's of no value to anyone and the only role he's filling at ABC is keeping his seat warm.

#2 - The left keeps attacking Foxnews ("Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.") Foxnews is single-handely crushing network "news". It's not really news that the networks provide. It's more of an Obama PR stream. At least Foxnews gives all sides of the story. The networks don't think opposing views are that important since they are Obama advocates. And, isn't it funny how they think they need the Fairness Doctrine? Well, they need it to silence outlets like Foxnews and Talk Radio because they are the last vestiges of dissent against "the one".

This reminds me of what that cuddly Robert Gibbs said on Saturday about the 1.2 million people that were outside of the Capitol in D.C.vehemently protesting Obamacare, the huge deficit, out of control government spending and basically every economic policy of the current administration because they are driving us into oblivion on the backs of the middle class, our children, and our grandchildren. "I don't know who the group is," Gibbs told the press. Yeah, sure Bobby. Your administration is crumbling around you and you don't know about the "group" snarling traffic all around the Capitol building. I guess it's just a busy Saturday on the Mall. A tour bus must have let out up the block. What a buffoon.

If you are watching network "news", you aren't getting the whole story. You have no idea that the President's friends ("Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.") are falling all around him. Van Jones the "Green Jobs Czar" who is a self-proclaimed Communist, who signed a "Truther" petition suggesting George Bush had something to do with 9/11 (are you kidding me?) and who thinks white men are deliberately directing pollutants into minority areas resigned in disgrace. Now, ACORN, with the most intimate ties to Obama, is shown in shocking undercover videos in several cities giving people advice on how to run whore houses without the IRS finding out, as well as how to hide the fact that underage girls brought in illegally from Nicaragua, were going to be used to work those whore houses. Nice, eh? These are the President's close associates, advisers and, yes, friends. These Czars have to go, but you would never hear that on the network so-called news shows, because, HAHAHAHAHA, those aren't important stories for you to hear. They just "get past" those giants of news journalism.

Whoever controls the media, controls the people. Why aren't you getting the whole story? Why are people like Charlie Gibson not telling you everything you should know?

Questions that are worth asking and deserve answers.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Rep Joe Wilson - He Just Said What We Were All Thinking

Let's face it, Joe Wilson just yelled out what millions of Americans have been yelling out for months now; he just said it in a very public and high profile environment. The President lied, he lies and will continue to lie. It's not what he says, it's what he does which is completely opposite of what his words portray.

The One is suffering greatly from foot in mouth disease. Liars have this one trait. Their arrogance increases as their lies become more and more outrageous. That's the O's way.

He's attacking those who are calling him on all the lies he's telling.

If he were a child, he'd have been grounded for about a year for all the lies he's told. At this point, his parents would be seeking counseling for him.

Even with the media fully behind this disaster of a President, the lies are coming out and the American people, Republican, Democrat, Independent, are getting wise to this emperor with no clothes. He's falling fast and hard and will more than likely surpass Jimmy Carter as the worst President in modern times.

Now, to keep the pressure up, we must act and act decisively. We need to keep contacting our representatives and senators to tell them no to this joker's agenda. Tell them they'll get voted out if they don't listen to you. Taking their power away is the ultimate threat.

Get involved! Stay informed! Don't let this liar and his minions take this country down!

God bless you.

God bless America!

Friday, September 11, 2009


The President, you know the one who wants to transform this country into the Soviet Union, wants to change this day that we remember how Islamic terrorists slammed four planes into the United States of America killing over 3000 into a day of service.

Our service to those who died is to remember and honor those lives, not with picking up garbage in parks, but by gathering and remembering and never letting that feeling, that sick, sad feeling go away on this day. If we change the day, we'll forget what it's all about. That's what Chairman Zero wants.


God bless those who lost loved ones, family and friends on that day.

Thank you to all who ran into harm's way to save those you didn't even know.

Thank you to all of you who put your lives on the line now to keep us safe here at home and around the world.

God bless America!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Enough Already - Some Random Thoughts

Are you as fed up as I am with this new Administration trying to jam "change" down our throats? Change that hurts America. I wonder if the people who so erroneously voted for this man are happy with what's going on. The polls show, not so much.

Our government is set up to do just a few things. When America was founded by Tom Jefferson and all those guys, they envisioned a limited federal government. Does our federal government seem limited to you? No and it's expanding with each passing day under Barack Obama.

The federal government should defend the country, regulate commerce and build intrastate roadways and bridges. After that, they should leave everything else to the states.

The borders need to be closed up and defended. 12-20 million illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America in our country. This problem has been ongoing for a very long time. This is an easy one. Stop the flow of people over our southern border and make those who are here illegally, thus making them criminals, go home. We love immigrants in America. LEGAL immigrants. My ancestors came here LEGALLY. That's how my family got here. That's how all of our families (in whole or partly) have wound up in this great country. We need more Border Agents and they need the best equipment possible.

We need a strong and well equipped and well cared for military. In these post 9/11 days, our military is more important than ever. We need for them to not only have the best equipment, but we need to care for them and their families. They need a livable wage and benefits. This is imperative.

We need a strong Central Intelligence Agency. We must give this agency the resources and powers they need to get information to keep us safe. In the Bush years, this happened. Water boarding? Hey, I'm all for anything that will get the bad guys to talk. If they need to be persuaded in a strong way to give up information, then so be it. We are talking about the welfare of our country. What Obama is doing allowing Holder to do to the CIA is criminal. We need to support these brave people, not prosecute them! Thomas Sowell has a great article about this.

The government needs to stay out of health care. They cannot run anything efficiently. We need to be able to buy health insurance across state lines. We need reform on malpractice awards. We need frivolous lawsuits stopped. The major reason health care costs are skyrocketing is malpractice insurance rates. This is also causing doctors to leave the medical field. We need other reforms, such as covering pre-existing conditions. But these are things that can be solved without the government takeover of the entire health care industry.

We cannot afford the government to administer our health care. They will wind up rationing care. Quality will suffer. Health care will suffer greatly if we allow them to do this. SAY NO! We need reform, but not a federal take over. That is what Obama wants. That's not what we need.

We need free speech protected. Right now, the media is pro Obama. They love the guy and don't report honestly about him and his administration. Obama wants to squelch those who oppose him and his policies. That sounds like Russia, doesn't it? Ever wonder why he has so many "Czars"? Anyway, I digress, he knows if he controls the media, he controls the country. It's a classic totalitarian dictatorial technique. Chavez is doing it in Venezuela. This country was born on dissent. We need all points presented freely. We need that preserved.

America is being changed by someone with no regard to our constitution or history. Obama has a radical view of America. He wants to make it something that was unintended by our founders. Big government taking over everything. Trillions of dollars being spent that you and I will have to pay for in higher, more oppressive taxes. More government control over your lives. Less quality of care in our health care industry. Freedom of speech being squashed like they did in the Soviet Union. What's going on here? Why is there not more outrage? More yelling? More protesting?

America is eroding under our feet. Will we just stand and take it? Smile? Not do anything because we're afraid of standing up and opposing Obama and being labeled a racist because of his skin color? Look, black, brown, white or green, this guy is ruining our country and the people going along with him, your congressman and senators, are complicit and should be held accountable. Schumer, Gillibrand, Bishop, Israel and the lot should be voted out. We should send a message that they work for us. We don't kowtow to them.

Enough already It's time to take back our country.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

America, Healthcare Reform and the Truth

OK, I haven't posted a "political" commentary in a while. If you aren't political, sorry, but I think I need to do this one.

This country needs Health INSURANCE Reform, NOT healthcare reform. We have the best healthcare on the planet in this country. For now, we have the best medical providers (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, Physicians Assistants, and so on) in the WORLD!

Our government wants to take over your healthcare. They want to be your healthcare provider. They want to be your medical insurance company. Ever dealt with someone in an insurance company? Imagine what that will be like with someone from the GOVERNMENT. Not pretty. If you think it's hard to get your referral now, just wait.

The truth is that when other countries have tried this, the people's health has suffered. Why is that? Because the governments (Britain and Canada) have been forced to ration the services and medicines they cover because of costs. So, if you need a hip replacement, you wait. And, if you are too old, you don't get that hip. That is no "myth", it's reality. I remember a story about a New York Islanders minor league player that played on a team in Canada. He suffered a dislocated shoulder. Now, in America, if you do that, you go to the hospital and get an MRI and get treated. This guy had to WAIT. One month was the wait just to be seen. Know what happens to a dislocated shoulder if it is not treated right away? The Islander organization had to fly this guy to AMERICA to get checked out and treated. That's our future people, if we let it happen. KEEP the government out of healthcare!

We see angry people at townhall meetings (when the Democrats actually had them before they ran and hid). These are not "mobs" of organized crazies. They are Americans exercising their God-given right to free speech. Angry? Sure. They see the country they love slipping away. They see their freedoms disintegrating before their eyes. I'm angry too. Our current president has a radically unAmerican view of this country. He thinks the government should provide everything to its citizens. He doesn't believe in hard work. He doesn't believe in capitalism or free markets. He doesn't believe in making your own way. He believes in big government CONTROL. Once the government goes that route, they can just as easily take away what they give.

I believe in taking care of poor people. As Christians we called to take care of the poor. However, this is not the government's role. They need to protect the country militarily, build interstate roads and control commerce. After that, they really have no role.

When Americans are left alone by their government, Americans prosper. We take care of each other. Government control like our present administration is proposing and starting to exercise over us weakens us.

This is why there's this push to pass all this bad legislation. The stimulus, remember that? This has done nothing to help the economy. Unemployment is up close to 10% in many states. The stimulus might have been proposed by Bush, but the Democratically CONTROLLED House of Representatives and Senate voted for it and the present DEMOCRATIC President signed it into law. This is their mess. The Democrats including Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Kennedy and Obama are responsible for skyrocketing budget deficits and spending your money, your children's money and your grandchildren's money unwisely.

They want to push this all through, making everything sound like an emergency, so no one will question them and then when the dust settles, they'll have control over all our lives.

That includes this horrible Cap and Trade bill. This will drive everyone's taxes and energy costs through the roof. In the name of the environment, they want to tax and tax and tax companies. When companies get taxed, guess who pays that bill? You and I pay that bill in higher costs. Think you want to choose between running your air conditioner or buying milk for your baby? That just might happen if this Cap and Trade Bill is enacted.

More and more Americans are speaking out. Polls show that most Americans are opposed to this government takeover of Healthcare. That doesn't make them racist. That doesn't make them unAmerican.

Dissent, peaceful dissent, even if it is loud is what this country is all about, baby!

We cannot let the government take over our lives. We don't want to be Europe. We are AMERICA and for 233 years we've done a pretty darn good job of running this place.

Now is the time to say no to this unprecedented dismantling of our country.

Do you want your parents to be counseled on ending their lives rather than seeking medical care?

If you are a veteran, do you want to be shown the "merits" of ending your life rather than receiving life sustaining medical care?

If you are a freedom loving American (and who isn't?), do you want your government telling you what medical care you can and can't have?

Look, the myth is that this takeover of our medical industry by the government is good for anyone.

And, the number of uninsured that gets thrown around, 47 million is interesting once you break it down:

  • 38% or 18 million have a household median income over $50000 per yearof that 38%, 20% have incomes over $75000
  • 27% or 12.6 million people are illegal aliens (some think this number is closer to 20 million)
  • 33% are eligible for insurance coverage but for whatever reason do not apply for it
  • That leaves 2% of the population that are uninsured. Why not address those people rather than a full takeover of the entire system? That's just like the government, making a 500 pound bomb to kill a mouse.

John Mackey, the CEO of grocer Whole Foods, had an op ed piece in the Wall Street Journal outlining his vision of what rational, common sense solutions can be enacted now to help decrease healthcare costs. I think it's worth the read. His solutions make much more sense than a wholesale takeover of the healthcare system by the government creating a huge bureaucracy which will in turn require more of your money going to the government in the form of higher taxes.

Call your representatives, tell them to keep the government out of our healthcare system! Enact common sense solutions and not a wholesale takeover of America's healthcare industry which will require higher taxes. Money that we don't have!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Can We Trust God's Promises?

We all make promises. We make them at home, at work and even at church. At home we might promise to take our kids somewhere fun or, for us guys, we might promise to take out the garbage. Work promises mostly cover getting a certain task finished by a certain time. And church promises might encompass promising to serve in a particular ministry on a certain day or promising to bring in a food item or something for Vacation Bible School.

In general, I think most people want to keep their promises, but from time to time something legitimate happens and our promises get broken. Then, sometimes we break promises for not so legitimate reasons like the infamous "something came up" excuse or "I had a crazy week" excuse. I know you know what I'm talking about. We've all done it a time or two.

When breaking promises becomes a pattern in someone's life a couple of things happen.

First, hopefully, the person's conscience bothers them. That small voice (the Holy Spirit?) talks to them and "convicts" them. They feel bad or they should. An unclear conscience is a sure sign that something is wrong in your life.

Secondly, constant promise breaking damages one's integrity. It gets to the point that trust is broken because the person cannot be counted on to come through when they say so. You've heard this expression and have probably said it too, "I'll believe it when I see it". That's what people say about someone who is a promise breaker.

Now, Jesus made a bunch of promises. In John 14:25-26, He promised the Father would send the Holy Spirit after he ascended to heaven. This is a promise that was fulfilled and recorded by Luke in Acts 2:1-4. Jesus also promised to prepare a place for us in heaven and also return for us (John 14:2-3). Another promise from Hebrews 13:5 should also be comforting to us.

Those are some of the promises. However, how can we be sure that Jesus' promises can be counted on? After all, there has only been one promise that is recorded as being fulfilled. One promise that has physical evidence of coming to pass and that's the sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

Not exactly. You see there is another promise Jesus made that has been fulfilled and recorded. On this one promise hinges all the others. It is the one promise, that if it did not occur, there would be no Christianity. Jesus would be just another Rabbi that led a decent life and taught some good things.

The promise I speak of comes in John 2:18-21.

Jesus had returned to Jerusalem. He had just cleared the temple of people who were selling livestock and changing money. The Jews asked him under what authority He did this. He answered, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

What He was saying is that He would show what authority He had on the day of His resurrection. With that one event, Jesus proved His deity and established His authority. With the resurrection we can also put our trust in all of His promises. Let's face it, if someone told you that they would die and then at some point come back to life and you witnessed that, you'd pretty much believe anything the person said, wouldn't you?

And, we can see the disciples' reaction in John 14:22, "After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken."

They believed the Scripture and "the words" that Jesus had spoken. You see, they believed it because they saw it.

We can have the same confidence in Jesus' promises because, thankfully, all of this was recorded for us.

Now, we know that Jesus will deliver on His promises. There should be no doubt because He rose on the third day.

Praise God!

May God bless you and keep you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: one man, one woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cast Your Anxieties on HIM!

Life sometimes gets overwhelming, doesn't it? Worries get the best of us sometimes with job insecurity or loss, the economy going so badly, maybe you have an issue with a wayward child or family member, or you or someone close to you is battling a serious health problem. Life has its ups and downs and sometimes those downs can be pretty low and it seems like it is all piling up on you while you are down there. And, by the way, if you are a Christ follower, you are not immune, I repeat, you are not immune from this.

Thankfully, we have a God who loves us. A God who is big enough to carry our burdens for us. And, oh, He is not only able, He wants to do that for us!

Peter writes in 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you."

Of course the "He" Peter writes about is God. The Rock is telling us that we can toss all our cares, anxieties, worries on God and He'll carry them for us. We don't have to bear those burdens ourselves. Isn't that a great promise?

With this promise, however, we have to do something. That is often the case. God promises to bless us in some way, IF we'll do it HIS way! So, what is it we have to do? We have to "cast" our anxiety on Him. That's an action we have to take. The word cast means to throw. That means you must let go of those worries. By throwing them to God, you have to let them go. Be done with them. Move on and let God be God. God loves you.

Today we are facing many new perils from within our own country and from outside it also. More and more we hear of threats from North Korea, Venezuela, Iran and others who just plain hate us. After 9/11, I think everyone's anxiety level went up.

God wants to relieve us of that worry. He assures us that He will take care of us. He cares for us! After all, if God did not care for us, Jesus would never have come to die for our sins.

Romans 5:8 says it all, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

God doesn't wait for us to clean our lives up. He didn't wait for you to stop this sin or that sin before His Son died for you. Doesn't that show you that God indeed does care for you? It should.

When you give up your life to Christ, this is the kind of care you get from the King of kings and the LORD or lords.

Please, if you are not a Christ follower, talk to Him. Ask Him to come into your life and invite His Holy Spirit into your heart. This way, you'll be able to cast all your cares on Him! And Peace, the peace that goes beyond all understanding will be yours.

If you are a Christ follower and worries have been getting the best of you, this is a reminder. Let them go and throw them to the Father. He's big enough to take your worries from you and restore that peace to you.

Today, Christ is the answer. He's the Hope we have.

Won't you trust Him with your life today? He died for you. He died so you can live your life to the fullest. And one way that happens is when we let go and throw our worries to Him and allow Him to bear them freeing us to live our lives to the fullest extent for Him and others.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, one woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

David Letterman - Funny or Just Plain Mean?

If you surf the web, by now you've, no doubt, read about what David Letterman said about Sarah and Willow Palin. He called Sarah a slut and he "joked" about 14-year old Willow being made pregnant during the Yankee game by Alex Rodriguez. Wow! Is that funny or what?

David Letterman is headed towards Al Franken land. He's getting older and meaner as time goes by. Instead of marginalizing those with whom he disagrees politically, he's marginalizing himself. How can anyone watch this guy anymore? He's pathetic.

Then, you have to love the non-apology apology. He apologizes saying that his "joke" about Willow was "misunderstood". Yes, that's what people say when they aren't really saying they are sorry. When they have no remorse. He, in fact, put down those who criticized him by basically saying, I'm sorry you weren't "hip" enough to "get it". So, really, he's insulting those who rightly criticized him.

Letterman is a sad man. He hides behind his "comedian" tag thinking that gives him a pass. But what good is a comedian when he's just not funny anymore? He's not worth watching. It's because of those like him that Air America and liberal shows don't get any ratings. No one is watching them because they are too mean-spirited and thus make themselves inconsequential. Olberman, Maher, Matthews, and their ilk just don't matter anymore. Their dismal ratings show that. They are the white noise of cable.

American's want debate. That's what makes us strong. We want to hear points of view, but not this. Not skewering and attacking and insulting the other side. Especially, not attacking and making sex jokes about the teen daughter of those with which you disagree.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One man, one woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Tale of Two Murders

On Sunday, May 31st, late term abortionist George Tiller was gunned down while attending church. Tiller, who killed viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy for $5000, was shot and killed by Scott Roeder a man with mental problems with ties to militias, but not any pro-life groups.

That very day President Obama issued this strong statement:

"I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence."
Shortly after that, the Obama Administration's Attorney General, Eric Holder dispatched US Marshals to abortion clinics around the country to protect them and make sure more violence did not occur at other facilities. I guess the AG was concerned that there might coordinated attacks on abortionists.

According to Devlin Barrett of the AP, AG Holder is launching an investigation into Tiller's death.

Pro-Life Groups from around the country quickly condemned the killing, as they should. This killing was the antithesis of what the Pro Life movement is about. Though the Pro-Life Movement is all about preserving innocent life, that of the unborn babies of this country and the world, they also understand the taking of this life, seen as not innocent, is not justified and that no one should take the law into their own hands by killing another.

On Monday, June 1st, Army Private William Long, 24, of Conway, Arkansas was gunned down by an Islamic extremist, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who also shot and wounded Provate Quinton Ezeagwula, 18, of Jacksonville. These two heroes, through fresh out of Basic Training, were working as Army Recruiters in downtown Little Rock. It was Long's hometown. He grew up there.

Several days later, unlike the instantaneous statement by Obama about the abortionist's death, the President issued this lukewarm statement:

"I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long's family as they mourn the loss of their son."
No announcement was made by the Attorney General's office if an investigation was forthcoming.

Can you see the difference in these stories? The intensity of the first to the languid softness of the second. President Obama tips his hand, yet again, as to his priorities. He is the most pro-abortion President ever. He is the most anti-American President we've ever had.

This was an attack, and all accounts say that this Muslim gunman and possibly others were planning other attacks, on American soldiers on American soil and all the President can muster is sadness? But for an abortionist who killed viable babies in the womb for $5000, the President called the murder heinous and he said he was shocked and now his Attorney General is launching a full-scale investigation into the event. Heinous, Mr. President? How about the killing of babies right before they were to be delivered? How's that for HEINOUS?

In Cairo, he called himself a Christian. I submit to you he is nothing of the sort. His actions are OPPOSITE of what a true and genuine Christian would be. His views are OPPOSITE of what a true and genuine Christian would have. He is no more a Christian than Tiller was.

If you are a Christian and you voted for this President, what do you think of him now?

God bless the family of William Long.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One man, one woman; it's Biblical not political!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Culture of Death

Yesterday, infamous late-term abortionist George Tiller of Kansas was murdered while he was attending church. All people everywhere should condemn this horrific act. I do. No one who believes in the sanctity of life can support murder in any form. They caught the killer and I, for one, hope that justice is swift and decisive. The message has to be that you cannot correct a sin by committing a sin.

George Tiller was a killer. He killed viable babies in the last trimester of pregnancies for $5000. His life was marked with death and death, a violent death, is how his life ended. The tragedy is Mr. Tiller (I refuse to address him as doctor) will not have any other opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's pray that his family will not meet the same fate.

When you sin, you live your life on the edge. God does not bless the sinful life, so anything can happen at any time. Mr. Tiller made the decision to ignore God's teaching and continue killing babies. Though not warranted, his demise is not all that surprising.

Exodus 20:13 states simply, "Thou shalt not murder."

Murder for any cause, however noble, is wrong and should be condemned, especially by the Christian community.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Neither Jew nor Greek

There's a lot of controversy over the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. One of the controversies surrounds her statement about how a Hispanic woman (latina) judge makes better decisions than a white male judge because of her life experiences. President Obama calls that empathy. He wants someone who applies empathy to their judicial decisions rather than just applying the rule of law. That means, instead of just applying the law equally to everyone, Obama wants a judge, and apparently has one in Sotomayor, who takes into consideration the person and their life situation when making a ruling. No longer will the law be applied equally to everyone when Sotomayor becomes a Supreme Court Justice, and she will be confirmed because the Democrats have the votes to confirm her. The highest court in the land will be changed for a very long time once Judge Sotomayor is seated.

So this means that someone who the soon to be Justice sees as disadvantaged will probably have more of a standing in her court than anyone else. She will side with a minority or an immigrant or a woman or a poor person or a homosexual because of her perception of their life's disadvantages. Why, some would ask, is this a bad thing? Well, it's one of those things that can start out being perceived as good. I mean, who doesn't root for the underdog? We want to see disadvantaged people get ahead. We want all Americans to do well and not be taken advantage of in any situation. However, what happens when you, who might not be in one of these categories, go to court, and you are already on the losing end because of who you are and you aren't even given the chance to state your case? That happened to a group of firemen from Connecticut in Sotomayor's court. She dismissed their suit summarily without even hearing the case. Why? Because they were mostly white with one Hispanic in the group. Fairness is an important aspect of any judicial hearing. She, Sotomayor, applies her own fairness to her decisions, apparently.

Thankfully, when we talk about God, we have no such worries. Galatians 3:26-29, James 2:1-11, Romans 2:6-10 and I'm sure there are other examples throughout the Bible too numerous to list here, where we see God telling us that everyone is treated equally by Him. Thank God! So, He does not care if you are rich or poor, white, black, brown, yellow, from the US, Indonesia, or Russia, man or woman. All receive equal treatment from God. We are not subject to the whim of a God who decides things on who you are and what you've experienced. All are welcome and given equal treatment!

So, as the days go by and you hear about empathy and unequal treatment on the part of the new Supreme Court Justice nominee, rest assured that God does not play favorites. You are equal with the giants of the Christian faith when you choose to give your life over to Christ. So, you are equal with Paul the apostle. God will treat you just the same as He treats Billy Graham. You can count on it!

Once again we are reassured that no matter what man does, God does it better.

When you join God's family, you are welcomed as the individual you are and take on the identity of God's child which ensures that you are treated without prejudice by the Creator of the Universe! What a great promise that is!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, One Woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What's Different About You?

A minivan goes zipping by you on the highway doing a brisk 70 MPH (in a 55 MPH zone). And the one thing you notice as you are able to steady your vehicle from the "jet wash", it's got that Jesus fish on the back.

The SUV you are following seems to be meandering down the road. The driver, who has a cell phone glued to his ear, doesn't seem to have a destination in mind, nor a particular lane picked out. As you go to pass, you spy the "Got Jesus?" bumper sticker on the back.

As you walk onto the beach searching out just the right spot, you see an open spot and plop yourself down. The music is blaring all over. You hear hip hop, rap, rock. All the usual music genres. And, to your right, the music blares sounding like all the other radios blasting away, except you see some of the teens in mohawks and others wearing "WWJD" tee shirts.

At work, there's that guy that says he's a Christian. He prays before his meals. He seems nice. He's a pretty cool guy because when you're joking around the water cooler about, you know, women and stuff, he laughs right along with the rest of you. He's so not judgmental.

That Christian lady business owner meets with her accoutant. It's tax time again. Times are tough and when her accountant asks about deductions and gives her a wink, she just goes along, because she needs the money, the government already gets enough of her money, and, hey,everybody does it.

If you ever visit New York City (Manhattan, for those out of towners), you can always tell the tourists. They are the ones with their necks craned looking up at all the tall buildings. They stand out like sore thumbs. They are different. Visitors from other states and foreign lands who you can tell don't live there. They are just visiting.

That's how we are to be as Christians. We are to stand out, even if it annoys others. We should be those "slow pokes" in the right lane with their blue tooth devices in their ears. We should be the ones stubbornly sticking to morals and ethics in our personal lives and business lives. Though nice to listen to, our music should also be different. At the very least, it should have a different message, told in a different and reverential way.

Peter writes in 1 Peter chapter 2 verses 11 and 12:

11 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.

12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

We should stand out. How else will the Gospel be effectively spread? If we aren't different, then why, oh why, would anyone want God in their lives? Why would they even ask us about God? If we don't have peace through troubles. If we don't have impeccable moral standards. If we don't help those in need. If we aren't exemplary employees. If we aren't the best bosses. If we aren't the most loving parents. If we aren't the most respectful citizens. If we aren't forgiving.

We'll suffer for it. Like Christ suffered. Peter chronicles that in the following verses:

20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.

21 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.

We need to do the right thing and not worry about the consequences because God will care for us.

Or do we blend in to avoid that suffering? Peter tells us later in this letter in chapter 3:

14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened."

15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

Again, Peter gives the promise that God will take care of us when we live as God wants and do the right thing. Why, then, would we not want to stand out? Why then would we not want to be different? All we have to do is live our lives as God directs us to and let Him handle the consequences. He will. He promises that. These scriptures prove it. He proved with with Miss California. That is a real example that you can hold on to. If He'll do it for her, He'll certainly do the same for you.

We have to be prepared to give that answer when asked.

Look at Miss California, Carrie Prejean and how she suffered for doing the right thing. She, however, was prepared to give her answer and let God take care of the consequences. Look at the result. She's still Miss California. She's still got her integrity. She was different. She didn't modify her answer or compromise her beliefs to "do the right thing" in the world's eyes. She did the right thing in God's eyes. I believe she proved to the world she truly is an alien in this land.

We have to get out of this mentality that we have to blend in and be like those around us to get along. Jesus didn't get along. The apostles were effective because they preached something different than was being preached by everyone else. They lived what they preached. They stood out. They were effective. Paul, stood out. Peter and John stood out. James stood out. Steven stood out. All stood out. They were different.

If you were in a crowd, would you stand out or blend in?

Are you an alien in this land or a resident?

These are questions we all need to ask ourselves.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miss California Saga - The Light Shines on Who Really is the Hater

Carrie Prejean is still Miss California USA. As she should be.

The past three weeks have done one thing and that is shone the light on who really are the haters in the gay marriage issue and it's not the people who believe that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman.

The 21-year old Miss Prejean has endured personal attacks to her character, her intellect, her appearance and her faith. Not to mention having to see her parents attacked as well.

And how has she responded? With grace and civility. She's been silent these three weeks, allowing those who are on the pro-gay side to launch a barrage of hate-filled, intolerant attacks on her. And she kept silent. She took it. Time after time. Day after day. Even hour after hour she was villified, mocked, insulted and attacked on YouTube, on blogs, on Facebook, on Twitter, on cable and in the failing and rapidly insignificant network TV and print media.

Yet, she kept silent.

That is, until today.

Today, at the press conference so deftly promoted and orchestrated by "The Donald", Miss Prejean spoke her mind about the created controversy and resulting attacks. As she has to date, she represented her God, herself, her state and her country flawlessly. Not holding anything back, she intelligently, steadfastly and lovingly stood up for her answer which was based fully on her faith and rather obvious fabulous upbringing. She stood up to those who would have flung rotten vegetables at her had they had the chance. Instead of an eye for an eye approach, she talked about her faith, her right to free speech and how she forgave those who were so hateful and intolerant of her. She reaffirmed her belief that marriage is exclusively between one man and one woman.

She showed love and tolerance to those who will never know what those words really mean.

In the end, the light of reality shone on those hate-filled, intolerant people who attacked Carrie Prejean, but an even brighter light, the light of the love of God shone on Miss Prejean. The light that is the light of Jesus.

The other day I wondered on here if it mattered if we stood up for Christian values. Miss Prejean has shown me that indeed we should. Not necessarily by seeking out areas to speak out against, although, I think that is OK, but when things come up in our day-to-day lives, we should unashamedly and forthrightly, with love, state those values and stick to them. Let God take care of the consequences. We see, that, in Carrie Prejean's case, and so we can rest assured in our lives too, God took care of her and got her through what could have been a personal disaster.

God is good all the time!

To Him be the glory.

May God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, One Woman. It's Biblical, Not Political!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Does Standing Up for Christian Values Really Matter?

I have been wrestling with this question. Does it really matter, in the long run, if we Christians stand up for Christian values, speak out on issues like abortion and traditional marriage, and get politically active? In the long run, since it seems like we are losing all these battles with more states legalizing homosexual "marriage", no real progress being made against abortion and more and more of America tending towards secularization, are we just wasting our time and energy with these things? Can our time, talent and energy be better spent?

I am torn. As much as it bugs me to no end when I see another state fall to the homosexual pressure and pander to a very vocal minority or I see organizations like Planned Parenthood, who admittedly are one of the nation's largest abortion providers or enablers bankrolled by your tax dollars getting even more of my money (in tax dollars) or I see the country voting for more and more liberal candidates by a wide margin, I wonder if I should be fighting even harder against these things. Or should I be praying more? Or should I be more faithful to living out the Gospel every day? Or should I be loving those around me more and showing them who God is through what I do and say? And just let God take care of the rest?

It's hard to sit and do nothing about these issues. It's hard to see our country ravaged by people who hate who we are and what we stand for. It's hard to see God smeared and mocked and believers persecuted and made fun of. It pains me to see people like Bill Maher hate God and those who love Him. I find it difficult to watch a news report about someone like Miss California, Carrie Prejean, getting vilified in the media and then all Christians getting raked over the coals because, after all, we're not perfect, even though we don't claim to be. This is all hard for me. I find myself getting angry. Wanting to yell and pound my fist and shake someone so they'll WAKE UP. Then, I wonder what God would have me do and I have to tell you that I just don't know. I want to do something. I want to make a difference. That's why I do this. Hopefully, this blog will impact someone somewhere for the good; for God and for our country. But, in the end, when Jesus returns, will all that effort have made any real difference? Will the world have been a better place because of what I and others have done or is the slide of society an inevitable thing that just signals the more imminent return of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ?

It's a question I hope that I can answer someday. Right now, I don't have the answer.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, One Woman; It's Biblical, not Political!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Politically Correct or Biblically Correct?

If you are Miss California, Carrie Prejean, you choose Biblically correct and allow God to help you handle what comes next. What comes next in Miss Prejean's case, is a firestorm of criticism from the pro-gay anything crowd. You see tolerance in the gay community only works one way, their way. Otherwise, you are a hate monger. It would be laughable if is wasn't such a sick way to look at things.

If you are a Christ-follower, you have to feel good about how this lady is handling the whole situation starting from her answer to all her subsequent public appearances. She has handled herself with the grace and humility of Miss USA. That is not taking anything away from the eventual winner, Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton. It's just to say, when you watch Miss Prejean, you could definitely see her representing the Miss USA title in an honorable way.

The lesson this episode teaches those of us who follow Christ is that when the chips are down, when your back is against the wall, when you have that gun to your head and your faith is tested, trust that God is going to bless you when you choose to not be ashamed of your faith and beliefs.

As Charles Stanely says, "Be obedient, and let God take care of the consequences."

Hats off to Miss California, Carrie Prejean! You might have been First Runner up in the pageant, but you are a winner in God's eyes! Your Father in heaven must surely be smiling down on you.

Psalm 27: 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

God Bless You.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Brother Went Home

Our brother went home today. He's with the Father in a much better place than he was on this earth. He's not suffering or anxious or hurting. He's whole and well and experiencing God in a very real way.

We prayed for Paul. We prayed fervently for him to get well. What are we to think now that he did not get well? Where do we go from here? Were our prayers worth it? Does it seem like we wasted our time? Why did God allow this? Why did Paul suffer so much? And now, what about Judy? How could God allow her to go through this and now wind up alone?

I have to tell you that I am hard-pressed to answer those questions. It's OK to have them.

I am directed towards those verses in Isaiah 55:

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Though they may not be comforting to the extent that they answer all the questions I just posed, these verses give us insight into how we, as people who trust God, should see events such as this.

We have to come to grips with the fact that we aren't always going to have the answers. It's a matter of trust. Do we trust God enough? Are we going to accept that His ways are higher than ours?

Here's how I see times like these. It's not up to us to necessarily come up with all the answers of why did this or that happen. Now is the time for us to rally around Judy and support her and help her as a family, as her family. And by doing this, we show the rest of the world what the love of God really means.

John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

That's how I see it.

Maybe you feel differently and that's OK. If you want to discuss it, leave a comment!

God bless you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

But, Is He God?

I bet the majority of people believe that someone named Jesus Christ lived at some time about 2000 years ago. They know what's been said about Him. They probably know the basics. He was born to Mary and Joseph in a manger in Bethlehem. Mary was a virgin. Christmas is the celebration of His birth and many probably think that's when He was born, but that's not the case. Most probably can identify that He had twelve Apostles. I'm certain that a great number of people can tell you that Easter is about when people claim Jesus was crucified, although Easter is when we celebrate his resurrection, not death. That's Good Friday. I'm guessing that's about all that most people can tell you about Jesus.

All of that, of course, is true. But, there's so much more. Jesus is God. He, the Father and the Holy Spirit are all God. Three in one. We call it the trinity, although you won't see the actual word trinity in the Bible. It's one of those God things that's hard to explain.

Well, we know that Jesus was a human man. He was born to a woman, which is one of the prerequisites of being human. He grew up and became a man. At about thirty years old, Jesus started what's called his public ministry. That means He started talking to people about God and life. He went from town to town telling people how God wanted us to live. He talked about love. He talked about not being judgmental. He talked about being honest. He talked about trusting God and having faith. He performed miracles. He healed people's illnesses. He raised some people from the dead. All these things He did, but I'm sure people just thought He was just a good guy. A good teacher. No one really could think of anything negative about Him, because there wasn't anything to tell. It's not like he was telling people to do one thing and He did the opposite. You know and I know, if someone had dirt on Jesus, it would have come out. That's the way people are. No, this Jesus, was perfect, because, after all, He is God and God is perfect.

Admittedly, all of this, except the miracles of course, could have been done by any common man. However, there was one event that proved beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus was who He claimed to be. He proved He was God by dying on Friday and coming back to life on Sunday. His resurrection is the defining moment of His life as well as Christianity. Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. And in all these years, approximately 2000 of them, no one can dispute His resurrection. There's no evidence to the contrary. There are no credible claims to discredit the accounts of His resurrection. No one has or can prove that Jesus Christ did not come back to life that glorious Sunday morning.

Jesus is God and that means that His teachings, His views, His life are to be dealt with by every living human because He came to earth to seek and save the lost. Who are the lost? You and me. What does being lost mean? It means that you and I do things our way instead of the way Jesus taught. We don't live to make God look good. Even when we might do a good thing, we don't give God the credit. We take it ourselves. In essence we live a selfish, self-centered life with God nowhere in sight.

We need to accept the gift Jesus offers. The gift made possible by His death and resurrection. That gift is the cleaning or forgiving of our sins which keep us from having a relationship with Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Look at the evidence. You know for sure Jesus is a real person, who is also God because of the perfect life He led, the miracles He performed and His resurrection from the dead. It's overwhelming evidence as to who Jesus is.

He is God.

He has a gift for all who will accept it.

Now you know.

What will you do with Jesus?

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday-The Empty Tomb

So, Sunday came and the tomb was empty.

So, what?

Well, I'll tell you, it means everything if you call yourself a Christ follower. Without the resurrection, Christianity is a sham.

Thanks to God, however, that aint so.

Jesus was not in the tomb.

No one stole His body, because, for sure it would have shown up and killed the Christian movement. How could the disciples have stolen the body? They all scattered when Jesus died. They were scared. They were confused. There's no way they could have gotten past the Roman guards, much less moved that stone covering the opening. Then, if they did take the body, would they have taken the time to carefully leave the linens behind? I think you would have to say, no! And, the Romans or Jews didn't take the body. If they did, surely they would have produced it to put a stop to these religious rebels. That never happened.

Maybe Jesus was not dead. Well, not so fast. Then, how did He unwrap himself from 75-100 pounds of linen and then move that stone out the way all by himself? No, that's not it either. Besides, the Roman guard at the crucifixion pierced Jesus's side with a spear and water and blood came streaming out. That's a sure sign He was dead.

No, there's no other plausible explanation except that Jesus miraculously came back to life and removed Himself from that tomb in the rock. He showed Himself to over 500 people. That recorded in the Bible. Surely, if that did not happen, someone would have reported that to someone. However, that report never came because it really happened.

Jesus came back to life proving to the entire world who He is; God. The Messiah. The Savior. He is who He claimed to be and He proved it once and for all by being resurrected from the dead.

He is the sinless sacrifice for our sins. He is now alive, in heaven, awaiting His return.

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday. I'm not sure where the name of this day comes from. It doesn't come from the Bible. Some people think it's an oxymoron. but it's not. This is Good Friday in every sense of the word. This is the day the Messiah died for our sins so we wouldn't have to pay the penalty ourselves.

Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus's death. His substitutionary death. You see people are sinful by nature. We do things our way and not God's way. That is sin. God has told us that the penalty for sin is death. And there is nothing we can do on earth to pay the penalty for living life our way and ignoring God's way. We are destined for eternal separation from God in hell because of our sin. There is a way out, though. Jesus. He came to earth. He lived a sinless life. He died to pay that penalty for us. It was His gift to humanity. We need to accept that gift to be able to spend eternity with God in heaven. This is the day we remember His death.

Now, His death is not the end. Although Jesus died on Friday, Sunday's a comin!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bowing to a King

Well, the "One" did it again. Can anyone deny the reports of his Muslim roots are true? Can we see that from his first interview as President with Al-Arabiya TV to his lukewarm (at best) embracing of Israel as one of our staunchest allies to now bowing to the king of a country who is not really our friend and a leader who bankrolls terrorsts around the world, that this man is in no way anything other than Muslim at heart?

With that bow he put the United States of America in submission to the Muslim world. By bowing, "O" acknowledged the superiority of this "king" and subjected himself to this monarch who denigrates women. However, one day the "One" will bow to the real King, the King of kings! On that day he will give an account of his behavior and actions and words. On this glorious day, no matter what he does to the great country and how he influences the world, Barack Hussein Obama will bow to Jesus Christ and declare Him the real King!

Get used to this gang. We're pulling back to the pack as a country. We're not No. 1 anymore. At least not in Obama's eyes. We're just one of many. It's that Leninist view he has. Nothing special, just one of the workers.

Well, I just don't buy that, but he's in charge of this land for now. With his cohorts, Reid and Pelosi, he is dismantling this country. He's doing it fast and he has the media on his side, so there'll be no questioning the big man. However, as those of us who vehemently disagree with the President organize and our ideas percolate and we get out there and let our voices be heard, the tide will change as it did when we all came to realize what a disaster Jimmy Carter was. We can make the first steps in 2010. I think we will. I hope we will. But if we don't, that's OK, because on the day that Jesus returns, and He will certainly return, all will be made right.

On that day, we will all bow down and declare who the real King is. That King is our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!

To God be the glory!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Where's America Headed? Look @ California

Communications Consultant Jon Kraushar wrote a very interesting editorial on Foxnews.com today.

Basically, the point of the article is if anyone is interested to know what Barack Obama is doing to America, California is where they should look.

California, like America was once a vibrant, affluent, great place to live. People flocked there. It was the place to be and be seen! Sun and sea. Skiing in the mountains. Agriculture. Viniculture. In one state, you could swim in the morning and ski in the afternoon. They, along with Florida here in the east, supply much of America with fresh vegetables. And their wine is second to none. California was the land of opportunity. You could go there and make a go of it. Sound eerily familar?

Now, not so much. They have become inundated with illegal immigrants. They have embraced radical evnvironmentalism. They have grown their government, being ruled by the Democratic party, and an increasingly left-leaning Governor, to a size that has become unsustainable. According to Kraushar they lead America in spending on government employees. They are the second highest taxed state in the union.

Folks, that's where we're headed. Barack Obama is bankrupting this country with the same type of ideological, radical leftwing approach to society that has left California teetering on the brink. Borrowing got us in this mess and more borrowing is not going to get us out. Our government doesn't need to spend more, they need to pull spending back to sustainable levels. They are literally printing more and more "money" making what you have less valuable. Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner are driving us into the abyss.

Your kids and grandkids are going to have a radically different country to live in if these men have their way. There will be more poverty. They will have less freedom. The government will have much more control over them. It is not a pretty picture.

California, once the playground of the rich, is now wallowing in bloated government,high taxes, rampant illegal immigration, soaring health care costs and they are a harbinger of where the rest of the country under Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Tim Geitner is headed.

We need to organize. We need to speak out. We need to voice our opposition to the new America. We need to stop this now. Call, write, email your representatives and let them know you'll vote them out if they continue down this road.

Friends, we the people are America. The government works for us and not the other way around. They have to listen.

Please, don't let today end without getting involved!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Out of the Mouth - The Overflow of the Heart

Matthew 12:34 states: For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

You know where a person's heart is by the words he speaks, which brings me to our illustrious President's public relations, campaign-like stop to the Jay Leno Show last night. Jay, feeding O softball after softball topic, broached the subject of the Whitehouse bowling alley, which many thought would be torn out and replaced with a basketball court because of the current occupant's love for that game. In speaking, sans teleprompter, O tried a self-depricating move telling Jay he's been practicing and actually bowled a 129! And, then, in the ensuing seconds during the laughter, our current defender of the weak, mocked an entire population by saying that his bowling prowess was like "the Special Olympics". Oh, how quaint. The only thing better would have been if he said he bowled like a girl.

First, can you imagine GWB making a comment like that? The media hounds would have barked him up a tree and called for his resignation. I googled "Obama Special Olympics" and found not one major media outlet carrying this horrendous story.

If you aren't a frequenter of Conservative blogs or a Foxnews person, you probably don't know about this story.

What does this comment say about the man? The same as what his enabling government funding of embryonic stem cell research and rescinding the ban on your tax dollars going to fund abortion around the world and the naming of the governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, the most pro-abortion governor in America, to the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services says about him. In his heart, he gives no worth to a human life whether unborn or special needs.

This is the "man" who is leading the way in this country. If that doesn't scare you, nothing ever will.

It's 60 something days into this present administration. Thank God, 2012 is coming.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Huckabee - Bringing Principle Back to the GOP

In a Washington Times editorial yesterday, Mike Huckabee set out to identify what's wrong with the Republican party. And, what it came down to is like Billy Crystal said in City Slickers, "one thing". That one thing, which Crystal left up to those to whom he was speaking to identify, Huckabee identified for everyone and that is that the Republican party, the GOP, the party of Reagan has abandoned its conservative principles.

He matter of factly and clearly outlined how the party of fiscal and social conservatives have caved and become a party more resembling the party of Jimmy Carter than that of the great Ronald Reagan. They have become a party of conservatives in name only and not in actions.

The basic conservative principles are sound. Limited government. Low taxes. More freedom at the local level to govern. These are the principles set by Thomas Jefferson. This is the crux of the Tenth Amendment. However, today's GOP, previously led by George Bush and John McCain have abandoned these principles, probably because in the end they didn't have the backbone to stay on point in fear of losing elections. Well, they abandoned their principles and did precisely that putting this country on the brink of collapse with a Democatic President and Congress who don't seem to care that they are bankrupting your kids or grandkids.

Now, Mike Huckabee, a man who has successfully run a state as Governor of Arkansas, a man with more managerial experience than our current Oval Office occupant, is set to put the Republicans back on track. If they are smart, they'll listen to this intelligent, articulate, steadfast, honoroable guy and put him in the forefront of the GOP. He has become the voice of the conservative movement in America much like another successful Governor, Ronald Reagan.

Even though we are only 50 days into this incompetent and bumbling administration and the 2012 elections are four years away, you have to believe, right now, Mike Huckabee is the one to watch to bring this country the level-headed, conservative leader we need.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Transparency-You Can See Right Through It

Transparency. It's what "O" promised. He promised that bills introduced by the Congress would be put on the Internet for review by us, the citizens they would affect. In fact, they'd be there for 48 hours for anyone to read and scrutinize. Wow! What a great thing! What we got was the largest free-spending spree in the history of the world that got crammed down our throats so quickly not even your representatives had enough time to actually read the wording of the bill before they voted on it. Did it ever make it to the Internet? Yes, if you found a conservative web site that somehow obtained a copy of it, but it was over 1000 pages long and it came out less than 24 hours before the vote. Now, I'm a good reader, but not even an Evelyn Woods Valedicotrian could read that fast.

And then the "imperfact" budget came through. Another $400 billion or so of your hard-earned dollars with over 8000 earmarks. You remember what "O" said about earmarks, those pet projects that the Federal government has for years funded? He said he would eliminate them. He would go "line by line" and root them out. What we got was our President, under the cover of a closed door, signing a pork-laden bill into law that he claimed was old business, imperfect and we'll get to the earmark reform thing next year. Excellent convictions there "O". You certainly are making your mark. I guess Nancy Pelosi didn't want earmark reform and since you've pretty much delegated your presidency to her, that's what we got. Now your people, like DICK Durbin are trying to "redefine" earmarks as good things. Well, which is it? Are you going to eliminate this wasteful spending or are you going to redefine everything that's bad for our country as good so you can get away with it?

Oh and speaking of redefining terms, I see your tax cheat Tim "Turotax" Geitner told Charlie Rose that capitalism is going to be different from now on. Earth to Tim, you economic genius you, if capitalism is going to be different, it's not going to be capitalism!

You have to love this administration. All they have to do is redefine things to mean what they want them to mean and every thing is hunky dory! Nice!

OK Mr. President. I'm redefining being a taxpayer as someone who DOESN'T pay any taxes. You guys should recognize that. See? That was easy.

This President and this administration are a train wreck, but you know what? A lot of people voted for these boobs. Change and hope were the buzz words of his campaign and we can only now hope that change comes in 2010 and we can get America back on track away from this President who has no clue how to lead a country.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Embryonic Stem Cells - Wrong in So Many Ways

The Abortion President has now become the Anti-Embryo President by rescinding the Bush Administration's Policy of not providing your tax dollars to pay for human-destroying Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR).

To date, there are NO CURES that have come out of this ethically and morally challenged "research". Embryonic Stem Cell Research takes frozen embryos (unborn babies) and destroys them to use the cells to try to cure certain conditions, such as Parkinson's Disease. A noble cause, but at what price?

Also, the Abortion/Anti-Baby President has unleashed the scientific community to "police" itself to determine what is ethically and morally OK to do. Oh, yes. We want scientists, many of whom are atheists, determining what research is ethical and moral when the result will be them getting millions of dollars in research grants from the government. Sound like a good idea to you?

Hmmmm, yes, we think killing Down's Syndrome children is the ethically/morally correct thing to do for the greater good. Sound far-fetched? I don't think so. This is the perverbial slippery slope to that type of thing. We should not allow any group to make such determinations, especially when people's lives are involved as well as millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

This is from Dawn Vargo, a bioethics analyst: Despite millions and millions of dollars spent on embryonic stem-cell research, it has failed to provide a single cure, anywhere in the world. Without significant advances, it looks like this is just the latest government bailout of a morally bankrupt and financially failing industry.
The fact is that embryonic stem cells are economically deprived because they are scientifically bankrupt. Over the last 10 years, we've heard many claims about the potential for cures. But with each passing year we've heard the grandiose promise of cures grow fainter — and patients' hope fade even more.

Why, then, is this "research" still being pursued? Why is it necessary? Why should your tax dollars go to support such a thing when there is no evidence to support its viability or it's "promise"? Well, it goes to the culture of death in the scientific community. Why do people still talk about killing people who are terminally ill? Why is abortion still available? People don't have worth to the scientific community, except as research material. They don't believe that you and I are anything more than a collection of cells with no worth or purpose.

Of course, that cannot be farther from the truth. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for my sins and your sins and if we had no worth or purpose, you can bet that never would have happened.

This is just another piece of evidence that the Aborion/Anti-Baby President is not a Christian. Oh, he may be a "man of faith", but that faith doesn't value any life and it's a faith that doesn't translate in his actions. So, in the end, it's no faith at all. Just another lie from this guy, but we're getting used to that from him by now.

I don't know what we can do. We can protest. We should contact the White House and voice our opposition to this act. We must. There are innocent lives at stake. Lives that have no voice except ours.

I am not happy with our government right now. They are going in the wrong direction on everything. This is my country, but that's not the kind of government we should have. It's not representative of the people. Oh, with the media in his pocket, he has high approval ratings, but if they actually reported the truth and stopped printing special commemorative magazines about this guy, he'd be run out of town on a rail.

We need to act. We need to organize. We need to communicate in an effective way that this President is not doing the right thing. In two years, we need to vote for a change. The Right Change. Not this type of change. God willing, we'll have good choices then.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.